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The AFP does a NSA
by darcy - Sky News Tuesday, Dec 10 2013, 7:49am
international / prose / post

The insular Australian Federal Police (AFP) seemingly undaunted by the entire world denouncing NSA style ‘deep packet’ surveillance is in the process of adopting the new technology for ‘real time’ surveillance/mega-information gathering and to hell with public opinion and Oz democracy.


Servant to the global plutocracy Oz PM Tony Abbott, does not appear to have a problem opposing the national will, his allegiances were made clear when Oz plutocrat Rupert Murdoch threw his substantial media support behind Abbot during the Federal election!

Expect no help from ‘your’ political representatives people. Spineless (and treasonous) Oz politicians readily sacrifice the interests of the people in favour of Washington and elitist minority dictates; nevertheless, these measures are easily overturned by the majority will of the people provided they are able to sacrifice a bit of drinking and sporting time -- no chance!

The Murdoch media now takes great pleasure reporting how the Oz population is about to get it in the rear from the plutocrats, and I must say it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of mindless, beer-swilling morons.

The new Orwellian technology is set to be rolled out in April and I will take bets that no-one in Oz effectively opposes these totalitarian measures -- can you see a picture forming Aussie MORONS? Hint, take a gander at the once free USA.

Minimal report from Murdoch’s Sky news follows:

Police trial new net spying technology
by staff writers and agencies

The Australian Federal Police will introduce controversial new technology capable of capturing and storing emails and other [metadata] information sent in real time.

The agency plans to trial 'deep packet inspection' technology in February before a full rollout in April.

The AFP says the technology is common among commercial and government IT systems throughout the world.

The US-based Centre for Democracy and Technology says the technology is no different from postal employees opening envelopes and reading the letters inside.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said last week he is confident Australia's agencies act within the law and proper privacy safeguards are in place.

© 2013 Australian News Channel Pty Ltd

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-901.html