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An Empire Built on Misinformation and Propaganda
by sirg Saturday, Dec 7 2013, 10:03pm
international / prose / post

The short-lived American Empire was unique in that the primary means utilised for its imperial expansion were misinformation and propaganda. The USA was able to spread its influence mainly via the LIES it disseminated to the global population. It wasn’t until the information revolution in recent decades that the charade was fully exposed and global consciousness turned AGAINST the vile, mass murdering, thieving nation that America actually is.

America, a bastion of democracy, my arse; nothing could be further from the TRUTH. Democratic societies surely DO NOT pass indefinite detention laws, have leaders that boast extra-judicial kill lists and use terror weapons (Drones) to murder thousands of innocent civilians, including children, almost on a daily basis. But probably the most glaring indication that the USA is really an oppressive criminal State is the now established FACT that it conducts highly INTRUSIVE constant surveillance on its ENTIRE population.

These behaviours are clearly NOT democratic -- did YOU vote for constant surveillance, unregulated government and a SECRET kill list president (?) -- these are CLEARLY totalitarian, fascistic and authoritarian characteristics/policies to the EXTREME. Stalin and Hitler’s ghosts are crying out in ENVY!

The USA was able to gain global ascendency after WWII based on massive LIES and FRAUDS -- that its military interventions were of a HUMANITARIAN nature and that it was spreading liberty freedom and democracy by overthrowing democratically elected leaders and replacing them with murdering dictators. Please refer to youtube and other video sites to watch George W Bush and allied leaders parroting those tired old lines while they engaged in (NOW PROVEN) international resource theft, MASS MURDER of innocent civilians and infanticide on a grand scale; 500,000 Iraqi children died as a direct result of medical embargoes enforced by the USA, notwithstanding the millions of displaced persons and the 1.3 million dead Iraqi CIVILIANS -- a human HOLOCAUST by ANY DEFINITION!

Since those illegal interventions we’ve had numerous other humanitarian interventions (Libya, Syria) and more freedom and 'democracy,’ which amounts to military occupations, the installation of puppet gangster governments and ongoing resource theft.

It was a GLOBAL get rich quick scheme while it lasted. However, today the Emperor clearly has no clothes and parades around the WORLD naked while deluding itself that its LIES continue to dupe populations. America’s rise and fall happened within the shortest historical space of time for any imperial power, half a century. Regardless of the deluded state of its advisors and external consultants today, and the humorous, FEEBLE attempts it now employs to justify its criminal pursuits, the ‘SHOW’ IS CLEARLY OVER -- at least in the clandestine sense.

The American Empire is now faced with creating GLOBAL panic and chaos -- probably with a biological agent -- or conducting its criminal affairs in the open in the broad light of day, which would leave no doubt in any mind of its true criminal nature; yes, readers it is now historical fact that the USA is the world’s leading terrorist (civilian killing) criminal (thieving) nation by a country mile.

So where to from here America? Numerous groups are constantly monitoring the plutocrats that actually rule the USA, their every movement is recorded and shared with other groups in order to dispense immediate justice in the event that these elites release a global pandemic or other agent designed to kill large numbers of people and create social chaos; please understand that you can’t enjoy your ill-gotten gains if you’re dead! And that fate also awaits ALL the known co-conspirators and puppet politicians in the SERVICE of this NEFARIOUS elite.

You have FAILED, it is all unravelling before your eyes; your aspiration for global domination was and is an historical impossibility but clearly, psycho-pathology knows no sense or reason so it looks like we shall have OUR day.

WE ARE READY, your fate is sealed regardless of whichever option you choose! And please be aware that we know you have no choice, how very sweet that reality is!

So you see, criminals, you too would be the first to die in the event of an engineered mass murder and destabilisation campaign -- should we ‘drop’ one of you NOW to prove the point?

For those readers not yet fully aware of the REAL situation with America, we recommend a highly informative documentary by Metanoia films, The Power Principle, which traces the criminal history and policies of American Imperialism. This and other related productions, of which there are many, are highly recommended viewing.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-898.html