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Torturers, Mass Murderers and Wall St. Rogues Go Free, Hacktivist gets 10 Years
by sem Sunday, Nov 17 2013, 2:39am
international / prose / post

After the tragedy of hacker Aaron Swartz, who suicided rather than face 30 years jail, the 10 year sentence handed down to Jeremy Hammond for serving truth and transparency in the public interest, is not surprising, though it makes one's blood boil nevertheless.

Jeremy Hammond, digital warrior
Jeremy Hammond, digital warrior

The USA has a drone-war-criminal black president with a mafia-style (extra-judicial) kill list, for fuck’s sake; a civilian killing record that is fast becoming the envy of Hitler and Stalin -- over six (6) million INNOCENTS killed since the carpet bombed Indo-Chinese wars and over one million killed in Iraq alone in more recent times! But it was “worth it” (Albright on national TV commenting on 500,000 dead Iraqi CHILDREN) and the infamous, “we came, we saw, he died,” Hillary Clinton accepting full responsibility for the proxy murder of foreign leader Col. Gaddafi -- REMEMBER?

The free world is in NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER -- the USA is a nation run by homicidal SOCIOPATHS, rogues and criminals of the worst kind.

WHERE IS JUSTICE, I ask you? Young idealists get ten years for EXPOSING the nefarious activities of the above criminals while the criminals subvert the law and mock common decency/morality. The result, a very clear message is BROADCAST to the free world -- America is corrupt to its rotten, putrifying core. So is it really surprising that a nation run by criminals is ALSO the world’s most unjust, terrorist nation?

The outcome for Hammond, Swartz, and to a much lesser extent, Assange, serves to reinforce the cardinal rule of hackers and digital warriors i.e. digital ANONYMITY at ALL TIMES.

Brave young Manning, Swartz, Hammond and all the anonymous fighters will go down in history as the heroes they undoubtedly are, while the scum that persecutes, kills and pillages for money will also earn their place in infamy.

The war for justice and freedom from criminal oppression continues, never lose heart, a new Uber elite is emerging that will tip the world on its ear -- LEARN from the mistakes of Jeremy Hammond and continue the fight to final Victory -- the FACT remains, sociopaths and criminals are a tiny, highly vulnerable MINORITY!

[Read Jeremy Hammond's sentencing statement here.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-882.html