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"Electricity Bill" -- Oz opp leader Shorten shot between the eyes
by darcy Sunday, Oct 27 2013, 11:30pm
international / prose / post

Australia's opposition leader, 'Electricity Bill' Shorten, the golden haired boy (messiah?) of the Labor Party, has been dropped before he has left the starting blocks. In a stroke of genius the current PM, Tony 'servant to the elites' Abbott, magically used language and connotation to completely neutralise his opponent. The issue is the scrapping of the UNIVERSALLY DETESTED carbon tax, to which Labor suicidally clings. Shorten stupidly continues to adhere to the one policy that completely DESTROYED Labor -- a Carbon Tax imposed on the people rather than on the Corporations that created the problem!

Bill Shorten
Bill Shorten

If the Labor party is the party of the people the solution is obvious, tax those responsible for creating the problem, THE CORPORATIONS and big business -- simple Bill, if you are truly the party of the people, but we all know Labor sold out during the Hawke-Keating era when Keating, as treasurer, surrendered our currency/SOVEREIGNTY to the criminals on Wall St. Rudd and Gillard simply followed (rather ineptly) the same tradition of deceiving their support base and serving minority elites. It's profit-only-driven big business and mega-corporations that are CLEARLY responsible for ALL -- not just carbon -- pollution in the world today. So let's dump the problem onto the moronic masses, while reducing corporate taxes, removing protections and increasing CEO and directors' pay, shall we? Abbott and Shorten are simply competing for the national 'knee-walking, custard face' award and attempting to feed their overblown narcissistic egos while doing so!

Good luck Bill, you're dead before you start -- Abbott is simple to defeat by returning to your traditional support base without reservations, but you must first free yourself from the toxic policies that sank Labor -- or have you people hypnotised yourselves into paralysis with corporate 'group think?' Snap out of it, morons -- you don't need Murdoch, you NEED THE PEOPLE!

Story from Murdoch rag follows:

No end to the Bill shock for Shorten
by Andrew Bolt [arch-consevative]

TO celebrate his 50 days since winning the election, Tony Abbott made a special meal - of "Electricity Bill" Shorten.

What the Prime Minister did last weekend to the Opposition Leader in just one sentence should terrify Labor. He put a label on Shorten that will stick like Tarzan's Grip, reminding voters Shorten is keeping power bills too high by stopping Abbott in the Senate from scrapping the carbon tax.

"That's what people will be thinking every time their power bill comes in until the carbon tax goes - that's Electricity Bill who's responsible," Abbott said.

Labor's fantasy then shattered.

Since the election, Shorten and Labor have kidded themselves that they lost government just by being bastards to each other - that whole Rudd and Gillard thing.

Otherwise, they'd done a great job.


You'd think politicians couldn't be in such denial after such a hiding - Labor winning just 55 seats to the Coalition's 90.

But hear it from Labor Senate leader Penny Wong: "We did not lose government because we didn't manage the economy well ... We have been held to account for our disunity."

Hear this same magic mushroom talk from Senator Doug Cameron: ''I think we lost the election through disunity". Same from Anthony Albanese, who ran against Shorten for the leadership: "You do get marked down when there's a perception or reality of disunity".

And Shorten, when he beat Albanese, kept feeding that folly. He spelled out not one change he'd make to Labor other than this: he'd have "zero tolerance for disunity".

It's all madness, of course. Rudd was not sacked by his colleagues in 2010 because they were suddenly disloyal. He was sacked because of what had made them disloyal - his chaotic leadership and dud policies that had Labor support in free fall.

The public had suddenly seen through this monstrously vain man who'd squandered so much money and trust. (Remember Grocery Watch, Fuel Watch, "the greatest moral challenge", the boats, the school halls?)

Same with Gillard. If she'd been a good leader, there would have been no disloyalty. No Rudd.

In fact, she was catastrophically bad and politically poisonous. She broke promises, wasted even more billions, blew the Budget, and bungled everything from border policy to cattle exports.

And of all her policies, none cost her more than the carbon tax - both a needless cost and a broken promise. A symbol of Labor's green extremism and its deceit.

Disloyalty didn't kill Labor. Bad leadership and bad policies did.

But Labor is now so arrogant, so bloated with moral self-importance, that it refuses to admit it's selling what few voters want to buy.

True, Shorten, on winning the leadership at least conceded Labor had made mistakes. But he spelled out none and embraced the worst.

He praised the National Broadband Network, which the Coalition will soon expose as a financial disaster worse than most critics warned.

He also stuck by the national disability insurance scheme, which threatens to become a bank-breaking bureaucratic and welfare nightmare.

Worst of all, Shorten insisted "it's important to maintain a price on carbon pollution". I know Shorten is stuck. If he drops the carbon tax, either as a fixed or floating price, many green-worshipping Labor voters will have his guts for garters.

That wouldn't matter so much if Labor's idiotic new leadership rules didn't now give members half the say in who leads them.

But if Shorten sticks by a carbon price he will be savaged at the next election. Abbott's blast on Saturday was just the first salvo.

How could Shorten possibly go to an election promising to bring back a tax that Abbott will by then have scrapped with the help of next year's new Senate?

Vote for Electricity Bill.

Did Abbott help fool Labor into thinking it could get away with this?

In his first 50 days, Abbott has done comparatively little media, and kept his ministers fairly mute. He's not been overtly political, preferring to send voters the message he's too busy getting on with running things.

Labor might have hoped it could then be the hound and Abbott the hare. It would attack, Abbott defend.

But last weekend something changed. Abbott savaged Shorten for the first time since the election, revealing he still can be the damaging streetfighter he was in Opposition.

Labor must now know it cannot dodge the debate it's refused to have since its defeat. How can it drop the carbon tax and walk from the green faith that ruined two prime ministers and made Labor seem dictatorial?

What new causes should it take up to prove it's still the party for idealists? This is serious work, and Shorten, a smart man, can do it. Electricity Bill cannot.

© 2013 News Ltd
[We can count on Abbott's known form to flog "Electricity Bill" at every opportunity.]

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