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The U.S. Shutdown: Turning The Social Tide
by liz Saturday, Oct 12 2013, 11:58pm
international / prose / post

The global plutocracy is demonstrating -- though they have orchestrated events from the start -- that democracy doesn’t work. The U.S. shutdown flies in the face of representative democracy and highlights that ‘our’ reps do not really represent us, the MAJORITY, but serve minority interests and themselves instead. In fact, the U.S. shutdown has clearly demonstrated something unintended i.e. that western democracies are OWNED and are simply a means by which ruling UNREPRESENTATIVE minority elites are able to exert influence over nations while remaining in the shadows -- we should never forget that the global plutocracy, which has orchestrated this shutdown scenario, is (temporarily) the most powerful minority interest group on the planet!

Sociopath Cheney
Sociopath Cheney

It is self-evident that powerful minorities have always used their bought political puppets in any way they choose; their primary concern is to further THEIR OWN interests.

U.S. based plutocrats, Koch bros, Murdoch, Banking dynasties etc dictate policy to their bought politicians in Washington and so we have the moronic shutdown today -- please note the political devolution process after the completely unnecessary, Police State, Boston lock down; we now have the same ruling forces ‘demonstrating’ that the system is dysfunctional and we need to be ‘saved' from it! Of course, the most expeditious form of replacement government at this stage would be a soft totalitarian dictatorship, but the PEOPLE must first be “softened"/trained to accept autocratic, authoritarian rule.

Long time servant of the global plutocracy, Henry Kissinger, often claimed that the masses would welcome police state oppressive tactics, “with open arms” to save them from social chaos! So we begin to appreciate a broader perspective in recent events, not only the myopic view presented to us by the corporate owned mass media -- media magnate (maggot) Rupert Murdoch recently hosted a gala ‘roast’ for Dick Cheney, at which dinner all manner of sick jokes were made about waterboarding, torture, rendition and Obama’s expedient policy of ‘legal’ targeted assassinations! It should not be difficult to appreciate that recent and current leaderships are populated with very sick pathological personalities and sociopaths!

To paraphrase Shakespeare, 'things are never what they seem to be;’ and that applies most especially in the world of politics.

You can now resume watching Fox news, American idol or other media fodder designed to distract you from the harsh reality of failing to take responsibility for your own tragic and miserable lives.

But dare I state the obvious? The only fair and sustainable forms of government are localised co-operatives and mutual aid societies; people take responsibility and work together to ensure the best policy outcomes for the majority. These de-centralised systems are not vulnerable to the corrupting influence of self-interested minority groups. Never forget that good, effective and sustainable government is always LOCAL and participatory -- get involved, democracy is NOT a passive form of government.

Media fodder, Miley Cyrus
Media fodder, Miley Cyrus

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-855.html