Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

A Criminal Farce of Monumental Proportions
by judd Tuesday, Oct 8 2013, 10:47pm
international / prose / post

Today America is without peer as the leading law-breaking, criminal nation on the planet; its civilian killing record alone amounts to more than the rest of the world combined; it engages in extra-judicial assassinations; it commits war and other heinous crimes against humanity almost on a daily basis and has done so continually for over a decade and YET it has never been held accountable by the International community or courts. The reason is simple, the WORLD is temporarily under the control of criminal Plutocrats that are using the USA and its resources as a means to further their aims and evil ambitions, which are global hegemony, resource theft and enslavement/containment of the global population. Just take a good look at what its agencies strive to achieve on a GLOBAL level TODAY!

Notwithstanding the fact that pursuing world domination is a very well known psychopathology we are nevertheless faced with the REALITY of REMEDYING the situation before this sick, mass murdering, thieving, tiny minority of Zionist Bankers and gentile mega-wealthy are able to achieve technological autonomy, in which case they would have power over the many with the ‘flick of a switch,’ so to speak.

This is a cogent WARNING otherwise the world will (there are no doubts) fall into the hands of the evil few, which will have centralised and consolidated its technological power! It already funds all the digital advancement in areas of warfare and social control -- do YOU find those pursuits revealing? Once digital technology allows the very few to have mastery over the masses the show is OVER! Nevertheless, there is a closing window of opportunity to RESTORE LAW and DEMOCRACY if we ACT NOW -- this group is not complacent, just look at the SOCIAL contractionism (loss of freedoms etc) that has occurred over the past decade.

We begin by restoring democracy, majority rule, either via the law -- i.e. insisting that known CRIMINALS, Bush, Cheney and Blair and their ilk are held accountable in courts that are not under the direct influence of the plutocrats, as the Hague courts clearly are! Failing the institutional approach, we take matters into our own hands, individually or in highly specialised small groups and restore JUSTICE, LAW and ORDER to our world.

Hold all KNOWN CRIMINALS ACCOUNTABLE or drop the bastards, that simple, and EFFECTIVE -- never relent until ALL our sacred charters of freedom and democracy are restored -- do not be beguiled, the PEOPLE remain the most powerful force on earth, this fight is for our very lives.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-852.html