Spiral Lake
by sylph Wednesday, Oct 2 2013, 12:08pm
international /
poetry /
keep ur nukes, warheads, anthrax,
lies and propaganda
your drones and armies of mindless morons
they are no match
maggots imagine themselves exceptional
they twist and turn in shit
competing to feed on faecal
their seething, writhing
and churning befits their
disgusting existences
water replicates the vortices of space
a kitchen sink emulates the milky way
the common factor is fluidity
and force beyond measure,
beyond comprehension
the same force in space that
turns spiral galaxies
also swirls the many waters on earth
it is that creative, irresistible force
poets, philosophers and radical thinkers
draw from --
and shit-eating American maggots
imagine themselves exceptional!
the black swirling waters of the lake
turn in synchronisation with the cosmic
in musical and mathematical harmony
beyond the reach
of the greatest terrestrial composers
human bodies are mostly fluid
moving in sync with universal forces
tho few tune and draw from
the connection to these forces
or the irresistible power they afford
one equation/poem brings down
an entire house of lies,
armies are defeated by a well-placed
rhyme, synchronised syntax makes waste
of nations and every weapon
or device maggots create
tho the seething filth is oblivious to the
fragility of its existence
the black waters of the lake
spin and accelerate
the associated quickening
produced this poem;
fabricated realities
waver, weaken and tip
soon we will demonstrate
how the real exceptional
reduce maggot cultures
to ash,
in an instant
Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto 1 - B Flat Minor