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Wesfarmers Coles 'family' Supermarkets sell Vibrating Penis Rings
by irate - Coles Integrity Watch Monday, Sep 30 2013, 1:18am
international / prose / post

One wonders sometimes how dunce corporate managers -- Wesfarmers in particular, whose pay is obviously not performance based -- maintain their positions in view of their many incompetent, thoughtless, insular and arrogant practices.

Vibrating Penis Ring selling at Coles
Vibrating Penis Ring selling at Coles

The latest inept and thoughtless Coles managerial exercise is stocking vibrating sex aids at childrens' eye level -- can you imagine, "mummy, mummy, look, a nice ring!" Of course, the vibrating penis rings are colourfully packaged with a picture!

Yes indeed, Coles' proven DUNCE management have done it again! Not only is Coles' management UNABLE to deal with a relatively simple complaint/problem, see dedicated site, and easily remedy that situation, they now thoughtlessly and INAPPROPRIATELY seek their SORDID PROFITS from retailing sex aids in a family supermarket environment -- need I continue?

However, I would refer to those responsible, which is the Wesfarmers Board of insular, formula-driven (clowns) directors, and state accurately that whatever value their shares have today the clear lack of competent management and the well known systemic corporate 'disease' that clearly affects Coles' management, will see that value diminish as managerial dysfunction takes its toll and matters become widely known.

Shareholders beware, decline is inevitable; it has taken Coles' management nine months to refer a quality control (QC) issue to the relevant QC department, a disgraceful and appalling effort -- and I would add the problem remains unresolved!

Staff, suppliers and customers are urged, in the public interest, to air their grievances against Wesfarmers Coles on this ad-free website dedicated for that purpose.

I would add that Woolworths has removed their offending vibrators from the shelves under threat of a shopper boycott -- at least Woolies listen to valid complaints and take necessary, positive action to remedy problems.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-839.html