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Criminal America’s most successful Coup to date
by judd Saturday, Sep 28 2013, 11:12am
international / prose / post

Over the past few decades America has unashamedly embarked on an Imperial world domination plan -- one doomed to failure due to its very nature -- but hardly any commentators (very few ‘journalists’) or analysts mention it, let alone deconstruct or peel it like a grape for the world to appreciate!

The USA has been engaging in many military battles since its illegal intervention in the Balkans and subsequent military ‘humanitarian’ interventions (26,000 air sorties which ruined Libya) throughout Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. These interventions and their pretexts are known to be criminal in nature, however, every one of these 'humanitarian’ wars was/is accompanied by another highly successful battle/war that involves no weapons hardware or blood letting, which is very unusual for the world’s leading civilian killing, terrorist nation -- that’s right doodles, terrorism and mass murder is REALLY what your country does for YOU -- the figure now approaches tens of millions of innocent civilians SLAUGHTERED since the unresolved Korean conflict!

Have you guessed which war America has been winning, as its military interventions are a complete mess and deteriorating even as I write?

When a State embarks on a criminal course as America has done it must deal with consequences or the reaction of the GLOBAL POPULATION to its heinous pursuits and grotesque record of civilian killing -- “you won’t see it coming,” says Obama, referring to Drone missile attacks, which have an appalling record for precision; in fact Drones are a terrorist weapon, pure and simple! Readers would note that such a threat is flagrantly coercive/terrorist in nature, as Obama made that offensive NOT defensive statement during an official White House press release! But proving America is a terrorist nation is equivalent to proving the sky is blue -- “we came, we saw, he died,” Hillary Clinton referring to the Gaddafi proxy assassination, is about as open an admission of guilt that any politician could make -- it is not for the lack of evidence that American officials have not yet been held to account!

So what exactly is the nature of this successful American coup that is rarely referred to and is all but absent from media discourse today?

When crimes are committed openly we are all aware that legal consequences (should) follow almost immediately but America has avoided these consequences - hint - though not for too much longer if commentators and journalists of INTEGRITY refuse to toe the criminal line.

For those that have not guessed, of course I refer to the battle for the/your MIND; the VOLITION of the global population has been held in check for the past two decades but especially since the criminal Balkan intervention. Bill Clinton, after he illegally bombed a European capital CIVILIAN city, Belgrade, continued to enforce medical embargoes on Iraq for political reasons; the fact that over half a million innocent Iraqi children died as a DIRECT result of US policy meant nothing to sociopath Clinton, his Secretary of State, Albright infamously said on national TV that the death of those INNOCENT CHILDREN, “was worth it!” Worth what, non-sociopaths around the globe would all like to know?

Indeed, when outrage in the face of horrendous crimes against humanity is absent something very very wrong is preventing normal, healthy responses.

American is winning the propaganda war hands down, everyone is fascinated with the baubles, tinsel and bright lights/DISTRACTIONS the corporate media CONTINUOUSLY presents and can’t see the REAL issues for looking. Take as a very good example the ILLEGAL NSA global surveillance scam; the media presents this criminal activity as a dire example of America’s GLOBAL reach/power and how it is able to intrude on anyone’s private communications anywhere -- well, it's a beat up! Careful here, not the technology, which has been around for decades, but the way it is implemented and then S-O-L-D to the public -- you are meant to tremble and contract in fear at the thought that 'big brother' is watching when in fact big brother can’t see the nose on his anal face; immense amounts of information cannot be successfully correlated and associated with identity unless of course you are one of the many mindless morons that used your real identity in a Face(trace)book account and/or have given your mobile/cell phone number (attached to your real identity) to (Bilderberg) Google on ‘request’ -- give me a break! Once upon a time secret police and other regulators had to beat this information out of people but mindless Americans, especially the X and Y generations gladly hand it all over today ON REQUEST!

OK, enough bagging the morons out there, let’s see how this propaganda war works on the mind to prevent VOLITION, APPROPRIATE RESPONSES, DISSENT and RESISTANCE/OPPOSITION when it is clearly WARRANTED in view of State CRIME.

To be aware of these feeble and transparent American propaganda methods is to be immune from their effects. In other words, when the mind is not LITERALLY CAPTURED it is able to think and perceive a broad range of options for any given problem.

EXISTING LAWS, national and international, already cover every criminal activity America engages in, from civilian killing/genocide, regime change, resource theft, global surveillance, indefinite detention without trial etc; but as these criminal activities are sold to the public wearing propaganda disguises few people are aware of the ugly and sordid criminal reality behind these activities. The REALITY is stark, the overwhelming majority of the HEINOUS crimes committed against HUMANITY are committed so a tiny minority is able to increase its temporal wealth/power and exercise evermore control over the global population.

Armed with a (hopefully) new awareness, have we been able to determine a solution for the NSA’s global surveillance? Astute readers would have already noticed that I have revealed the solution -- surveillance of this nature is ILLEGAL IN MOST COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD TODAY; in Australia for instance, it breaks so many communications laws it is laughable, so it is as simple as arresting those responsible, which is America’s representatives in most nations, Ambassadors and the like -- that's right arseholes, none of you are safe outside the USA, any nation that chooses to exercise its existing laws can have your balls and conduct trials the likes of which would be more entertaining, in relative terms, than the Colosseum spectacles of ancient Rome -- you see, I am also a highly trained (and expert) propagandist, I just refuse to work for mass murderers and criminals.

Every heinous crime America commits today is punishable via existing laws; when people break through the induced fog of propaganda they are easily able to see the truth and exercise their legal PREROGATIVES.

O, I almost forgot, the USA also engages in wholesale CORRUPTION -- it prints the world's default currency -- successive Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, Western European and some Asian (Indonesia) governments all take orders from Washington and Washington takes orders from Zionist Bankers and Wall Street. So people, who or what is going to effect change, certainly not your thoroughly corrupt puppet governments? Rely on existing LAW and your RIGHT to have those laws ENFORCED -- the corrupt house of cards will soon come tumbling down.

Servile Obama delivers message from his minority, mass murdering, plutocrat masters. Viewers will note that the message has not changed since the Bill Clinton presidency and every PUPPET presidency since -- unrepresentative hijacked, CRIMINAL government is the reality for the USA.

The solution is simple; all criminal activity is illegal and criminals are consequently liable to arrest. Simply enforce EXISTING LAWS on illegal surveillance and other unconstitutional illegal activities and it CEASES!

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