Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Nature's Harmony Disturbed
by bud Monday, Sep 23 2013, 11:10pm
international / prose / post

When Corporatism and the manic pursuit of PROFIT is the prime determinant in a social system that system collapses, as profit is an entirely ARTIFICIAL disconnected pursuit. However, as is widely known today, the pursuit of money is the prime (only) consideration of nihilistic Corporatists and Plutocrats.

Before any social improvement can occur, lethal social diseases must first be eliminated -- Corporatists and Plutocrats must be ERADICATED prior to any improvement in the quality of life on earth. These people SPECIALISE in DEATH, they overtly kill for money in unnecessary wars and they poison entire ecosystems in order to benefit their short term 'bottom line.'

You think it a drastic action to legally hold these PROVEN criminals to account and hang them -- not so, it is an IMPERATIVE, a completely necessary REMEDIAL ACTION if complex life on this planet is to survive. That is the HARD but accurate reality.

CORPORATISTS, PLUTOCRATS and the bought puppet politicians that facilitate their policies are a terminal disease that must be treated immediately; modern history offers irrefutable proof of the ecological and social destruction these groups are directly responsible for. "The only good executive is a dead executive -- anon"

We all must DO what MUST be DONE to SURVIVE!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-830.html