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Ongoing problem with Wesfarmers Coles Supermarkets
by shopper via ed - Coles Complaints Sunday, Sep 22 2013, 11:35am
international / prose / post

Email update of events

I would inform those readers that are unaware of this ongoing problem that it has been circulating around Coles' clearly incompetent management for at least nine months, notwithstanding that an effective simple solution is obvious to all familiar with the situation.


Manager Coles Customer Care

Dear Mr ------------,

In the absence of any formal contact from Coles’ Quality Control to date, another good example of Coles’ ‘quality’ management -- nine months to refer a simply matter to the relevant department is tragic and completely unacceptable -- I may be forced to respond to your last email directly; however, it would seem unfair to you as you would then be forced to do other peoples’ lying over an essentially indefensible, uniquely Coles problem, which you did not create nor wish to defend.

Coles’ unique policy of placing ice/frost intolerant vegetables on ice tray displays continues to damage vegetable stock and drastically reduce storage life AFTER purchase.

The arguments you put forward -- in view of overwhelming evidence to the contrary from growers and suppliers (experts) -- simply lack credibility. I therefore urge you to refer the matter to the parties responsible for ‘rolling out’ this idiotic policy so they are able to take full responsibility for their actions; we are all taught as children to take responsibility for our actions and it would seem appropriate for Coles’ management to also learn that lesson.

In order to avoid compromising yourself further, I suggest you refer the matter to the responsible parties as soon as possible.

I look forward to dealing with the person/s directly responsible for this ridiculous, damaging and deceptive policy, which remains unique to Wesfarmers Coles supermarkets.

Yours sincerely,

--- --------------

[The above email is published in the public interest, as Coles' management seems to be adopting a policy that reduces the quality and storage life of a wide variety of fresh vegetables. The cost to consumers nationwide is enormous though the tactic, which is unique to Coles supermarkets, INCREASES Coles' PROFITS/turnover!]


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-829.html