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Remember Libya?
by staff report via jake - Reuters LONDON Wednesday, Sep 18 2013, 12:45am
international / prose / post

The nation targeted for illegal regime change on ‘humanitarian grounds’ in order to veil a criminal political take-over and the wholesale theft of the nation’s/PEOPLE’S OIL and other precious resources by US/NATO forces?

Yes, that Libya, the infamous 26,000 ‘humanitarian’ bombing sorties that ruined a developing, DEBT FREE, INDEPENDENT of WORLD BANK/IMF slavery, North African moderate Muslim nation, yes, that Libya! And while NATO/US forces were committing war and other crimes against humanity from the air their extremist al-Qaeda allies, yes, the same as are being deployed in Syria (for SIMILAR PURPOSES) were ravaging the nation on the ground on the promise that they would be able to implement mediaeval Sharia Law after the take-over --YES, THAT LIBYA!

People are not fools and neither are free Libyan fighters that realised early the West’s thieving and criminal intentions of RESOURCE THEFT so they have been busy paralysing oil export facilities and are able to continue this strategy indefinitely, are you reading this Iraq?

Gaddafi, before he was criminally assassinated, ensured free Libyans were adequately armed and capable of protecting themselves against US allied fundamentalist murderers and extremists, which seem to be having some difficulty maintaining their puppet hold on the nation today.

Regardless of the west’s media management (blackout) on conquered territories free Libyans are not about to surrender or give their nation to a bunch of marauding thieves, extremists and murderers.

Free Libya and other African nations were/are close allies of Yugoslavia, a nation known for its political nous and guerrilla fighting strategies, especially in circumstances which appear overwhelming -- Serbs have been fighting these wars of attrition against the odds for centuries; and when SERBIA decides to reclaim its SOVEREIGN province of KOSOVO, in ACCORDANCE with INTERNATIONAL LAW, the West will have a headache for which no panacea will be available -- are you reading this free Iraqis, Afghan fighters and Putin?

NEVER SURRENDER, NEVER RELENT, foreign murderers, thieves and invaders are living on borrowed time and they know it! We urge the FREE PEOPLE of the WEST to target ruling Plutocrats and hold them and their puppet politicians accountable for all the resource wars and holocausts of the 21st century; after which time they should be hanged by their necks according to existing penalties for genocide and mass murder -- please refer to the GENEVA convention and war crimes trials for verification.

The current ruling CRIMINAL minority will be hanged for their crimes and JUSTICE will finally be served, never doubt it! While we live breathe and outfox moron Americans and their slavish cowardly allies, KNOW that FINAL VICTORY IS OURS -- HISTORY BEARS WITNESS TO THE FACT!

The mass murdering thieving US dog and its NATO allies will be routed, as it is unable to defend against entire populations asserting their inalienable rights to JUSTICE and FREEDOM from foreign rule or proxy puppet RULE!

Reuters report follows:

Chaotic Libya appeals for help to restore security

LONDON, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Libya's prime minister on Tuesday appealed to the outside world to help restore security, as it combats political chaos and tries to restart oil exports crippled by protesters at a cost of $130 million a day in lost income.

Ali Zeidan met with his British counterpart David Cameron, who two years ago was a driving force behind a Western military campaign that helped topple Muammar Gaddafi and aimed to encourage a stable democracy in Libya.

That has yet to emerge. A combination of strikes, militias and political activists have blocked the majority of Libya's oilfields and ports since end July but the government's fledging army and police force are ill-equipped to deal with armed protesters.

"If the international community does not help in the collection of arms and ammunition, if we don't get help in forming the army and the police, things are going to take very long," Zeidan said at a Libya investment conference in London.

"The situation is not going to improve unless we get real and practical assistance."

Zeidan and Cameron discussed reducing the supply of arms in Libya and reintergrating militia members into normal life, a British statement said.

Zeidan insisted that he still wanted to solve the crisis through dialogue rather than force.

"We are going to work on solving this problem," he said. "When blood is shed, the loss will be greater".

Tripoli has had some success with the restart of its biggest south-western oilfield on Monday but the bulk of oil production in the east is still paralysed.

NOC was able to lift force majeure on its western ports of Zawiya and Mellitah as a result.

The General National Congress' crisis committee negotiated a deal with an armed group to allow the resumption of the El Sharara oilfield, which is expected to reach full capacity by Friday.

The nearly two month disruption has led to loss of $7.5 billion in revenue for Libya and its foreign oil partners, Mustafa Sanalla, executive board member at the state National Oil Company (NOC) said.


Western oil companies, which jostled for the chance to join Libya's oil sector revival after the fall of Gaddafi, are losing faith.

ExxonMobil, the world's largest publicly-traded energy company, said on Tuesday it would cut back its staff and operations there as growing instability no longer justified a major presence.

Royal Dutch Shell suspended drilling and abandoned exploration on two Libya blocks last year due to disappointing results and other firms have postponed exploration due to concerns about safety since the 2011 war.

Marathon is considering the sale of its stake in a key Libyan oil consortium, sources told Reuters in July.

The restart of El Sharara is expected to increase Libyan oil output to 400,000-450,000 barrels per day (bpd), Libya's deputy oil minister Omar Shakmak said.

"Before Sharara (resumed production) it was around 230,000 bpd, now we're expecting 400,000-450,000 bpd," Shakmak said.

Once the 130,000 bpd El Feel ramps up, NOC board member Sanalla said he hoped output would reach 700,000 bpd by the end of the week.

The El Feel field, operated through a joint-venture with Italy's Eni, was taking a bit longer to restart than El Sharara as additional equipment and power supply checks needed to be made.

Libya's pre-war capacity was around 1.6 million bpd.

The El Sharara field operated through a joint-venture with Repsol has a capacity of around 350,000 bpd, and flows were already starting to feed the 120,000 bpd Zawiya refinery, which has been running on alternative Brega oil from the east in recent weeks due to the shutdown.

Despite the disruption and waning enthusiasm for new investment in Libya's upstream, NOC hopes to raise production to 2 million bpd by 2017 while more than doubling the capacity of its Zawiya refinery, Sanalla said.

© 2013 Thomson Reuters
It appears that freedom fighters have targeted the heart of the beast -- OIL and GAS facilities are being attacked WORLD-WIDE even as I write, and that would probably include, in the not too distant FUTURE, facilities and installations in the USA and allied nations. Yes, the American population is severely oppressed today!

FREEDOM is a fundamental HUMAN right and PEOPLE EVERYWHERE will RESIST the enslaving policies of ruling Plutocrats and their puppet politicians -- be advised all political lackeys, you are dicing with the WILL of the GLOBAL POPULATION and EXISTING LAW; death by hanging is the penalty for your current TREASONOUS activities and crimes, be advised!


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