Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by vic Tuesday, Sep 10 2013, 11:36am
international / poetry / post

your expectations are not in sync
with my reality,
it doesn’t always flow as you imagine
at times it must be hewn from rock
or freed from a crevasse
with steel leverages

at other times it must be cajoled
from vines and tangles

are you able to catch a butterfly
(unharmed) with a rock?

release urself from your
the world outside your head
is foreign and offers no solace,
only conflict if you persist
in attempting to shape it according
to your perverse imaginings

the bodies on Omaha beach surrender to
the rolling waves
it’s amazing how corpses
are able to move in perfect harmony
with natural forces
the perversity of their lives
has departed
leaving the earth to reclaim
the vehicle it temporarily leases
to wandering souls

do you easily detect the contortions
of lying faces
Obama, Kerry, Bush, Cheney?
the former are particularly inept at lying

do you see the blood trickle
from their eyes?
if not then your world is a cocoon
of fears and fantasies
difficult characteristics to accommodate
in hard or soft reality

do not be perturbed if you fail
to sway me
there is an abundance of youths
on skateboards
to choose from,
take your pick

though their conversation is somewhat thin,
but given time who could predict a future
consider it a challenge

no-one gave me past 30
yet that was easily breached
they never knew
how this life ticked

liars are easily detected
the uniformed rolling bodies
accuse them
every wave, the blood
that froths in the foam
point directly to the
the propagandists and media

leave remedial action
to others, it's best if you
do not trouble yourself
with challenging issues

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-808.html