Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

The Way
by lyn Friday, Aug 31 2012, 1:42pm
international / poetry / post

no cross exists to hang
this body on
no bough lends itself
for such a task;
this body
will not be impaled

i continue to give (freely)
that is the only reason i exist

it flows without condition
or restraint
you are not able to
stem this flow
or diminish this tide
you simply do not understand
that you are unable to affect
its course

how long does it take for some to learn
that nothing is able to restrict this expression?

fed to the dogs since infancy
targeted relentlessly throughout life
i discovered that yielding is the
strongest weapon
and my greatest strength

inform me when you are able to bruise water or
striate the air;
your frenzied attempts to wound
betray your sadistic and
incurable madness,
will you never find peace?

divested of everything held sacred
stripped bare of all protective layers
i was forced to locate the one saving grace,
the power that sustains all things
that substance nothing is able to injure.

so now i share this secret openly
though offers are largely ignored

signs in the forest
disappear in time
make haste if you would find
the markings and signposts i left
to guide you to salvation
and freedom.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-80.html