Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

No Shortage but Rejected
by sal Friday, Sep 6 2013, 11:59am
international / prose / post

There is no doubt that humans are miscreates, the evidence is all around us today; the 'moral’ USA is openly supporting terrorist rebels in Syria that make videos of themselves eating human hearts freshly hacked from the chests of victims or grotesquely cutting off the heads of prisoners while chanting ‘Satan’ is Great in Arabic; yes, these are the current allies of the USA, supported, armed and trained by the CIA and friendly Arab (Saudi) nations. These ‘Satan’ chanting allies of America wreak mayhem, havoc and terror wherever they are deployed by those who created them, the CIA!

Remember the global plutocracy rolling out ‘Hope and Change,’ product Obama in order to further their nefarious plans while hiding behind an agreeable black puppet; to be expected, BUT arranging to have Obama awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was overkill in exactly the same way as the anthrax letters were overkill after the false flag 9/11 operation.

Obama had not done a thing to earn even a nomination for the peace prize yet he was the recipient of the award, which confirms the existence of a GLOBAL elite/plutocracy, but that is not where this paper is going.

Peace is indeed a most noble enterprise which is lost on warmonger, civilian killer and war criminal, Obama; peace prize indeed, but the joke is on the WORLD and I’m not sure it wasn’t intentional!

Libya and Iraq after humanitarian ‘liberation’ and the installation of compliant (fundamentalist in Libya) governments are hell holes today thanks to the USA and the terrorists it owed for doing much of the dirty work on the ground. But the Bankers got what they wanted, the head of Gaddafi, who vehemently opposed them, and a Reserve Bank ‘with governor,’ in Benghazi -- it should not be forgotten that Libya was FREE of international debt, a situation that Bankers could not tolerate, other nations might get ideas of financial freedom, so Gaddafi had to go at any cost, and so al-Qaeda was deployed and the rest is tragic history and a clear indictment of the USA/NATO and the Plutocrat Bankers that own and control those 'assets!’

And what do the lost masses do while these and many other injustices and cruel travesties occur, NOTHING, sweet fuck all, not a fuckin’ thing -- they can’t even support a brave young soldier that exposed Pentagon war crimes to the world and was crucified for his efforts; indeed, the masses today are not worth a pinch of shit and truly deserve the police State they have allowed to develop.

So where did this social pestilence originate, where did it all go wrong ?

There is a common denominator, everyone involved in todays heinous wars are of the Abrahamic group of religions, this subset of perversity follow the blood, guts and mass murder options rather than peace; indeed the pattern can be found in the OT where a genocidal God issues orders to his followers to take cities plunder their wealth and deposit the booty in the “Treasury of the Lord"-- this God is a bloody Banker that also demands 10 percent of everyone’s personal wealth -- give me a break, it is abundantly clear this ‘God’ is entirely fabricated by men yet today the killing in his name continues; the Jews, Muslims and Zionist Christians are clearly the scourge of the earth and the sooner they all meet their homicidal creator, the better.

An Eastern adage states, ‘whenever the Dharma is threatened I incarnate,’ a quaint way of saying that social crises create appropriate social reformers to steer us back to harmony, Truth and Love! In this regard two reformers stand out, Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ. Readers would note that both men emphatically rejected wealth and temporal power, interesting in view of todays social preoccupations!

Both men denounced and attacked the corrupt ruling elites of their day and preached, as the highest achievable ideals, good fellowship, brotherly Love and Peace! Now, I cannot improve on those solutions to social conflict and injustice, I can only cite the exceptional examples of those two social reformers whose thumbs were not firmly implanted in their arses.

So it seems the solution today is as it always has been -- Unity, Love, Peace and Harmony! Contrast those qualities/ideals with perpetual war, division and destabilisation.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-798.html