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Putin ‘caves’ on Syria -- we told you so!
by lory Friday, Sep 6 2013, 12:57am
international / prose / post

An accurate, pre-emptive headline

Never mind all the posturing and strutting for show at the G20, consider the TRACK RECORD of Putin who has CONSISTENTLY ABANDONED all his allies in their time of greatest need and has always capitulated to Western demands, why?

Putin with his "American Partner" Obama
Putin with his "American Partner" Obama

If behaviours are consistent that means certain forces in play continue to be effective, so, what are the forces that determine political outcomes today? Minority UNREPRESENTATIVE Plutocratic forces, which own Washington outright, the Russian leadership and the Chinese inner ‘communist’ circle -- where do you think the TRILLIONS of INVESTOR dollars used to CATAPULT China from a ‘push bike backward economy’ in the 60‘s to a world superpower in unprecedented record time, originated? The largest investors were/are the Rothschilds along with other (Rockefellers) mega-wealthy PRIVATE interests -- I say MEGA because the amount of wealth these private interests wield is almost unimaginable.

Now, place that mouse Putin in perspective and remember that consistent patterns determine outcomes, which is why they (politicians) are predictable. What are we able to determine from a historical broader view? Plain to see, Putin is a BOUGHT, CORRUPT politician not unlike his western counterparts -- they are ALL owned by the same plutocratic interests as there is no other way, outside of open popular revolution, to gain the leadership and maintain power, in any nation today, fact!

FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS (or the lack thereof) determine who wins, who loses and how the game is played. If you imagine the combined wealth of the ‘Forbes top 400' is impressive then consider this, it is PEANUTS compared to the wealth and CORRUPTING POWER of the GLOBAL PLUTOCRACY -- solution?

As always, effective solutions are simple and obvious -- we are dealing with a tiny MINORITY that are extremely VULNERABLE once they are KNOWN for who and WHAT they are! All the NEEDLESS wars, mayhem and destruction the world is experiencing today is the work of this criminal MINORITY that dictates policy to their OWNED puppet politicians. This elite minority is responsible for the most heinous war and other crimes against humanity committed by their proxy State forces -- please do not misunderstand, the overtly treasonous puppet politicians that do the bidding of the global plutocracy must be placed on trial with their masters and sentenced to the same penalties as the truly evil, mass murdering, criminal, plutocratic elite -- put succinctly, hang all the criminal bastards and replace the monetary economy with a sustainable, CREATIVE, inventive economy the rewards those that invent, develop or support sustainable solutions for the world’s problems today -- in other words, support those that BENEFIT humanity not murder or enslave it for PROFIT!

But first the Plutocrats must be held accountable and purged from the earth for the many heinous crimes they have committed against humanity -- and woe to the narcissist puppet politicians that serve them.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-797.html