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Plutocrat Murdoch Allowed to Tip Oz Elections
by justin Thursday, Sep 5 2013, 12:56pm
international / prose / post

Why the Oz regulator has allowed CFR member and media magnate (maggot) Rupert Murdoch -- a Jew on his mother’s side -- to brazenly interfere with the Federal election is beyond me and most other thinking Australians that remember Oz democracy prior to the current Plutocracy.

Clive Palmer
Clive Palmer

The gall of this self-appointed King maker and shaper of public opinion is beyond measure. Murdoch publicly announced that he would be sending one of his media ‘hit men’ to Oz to destroy any chances Rudd may have had; and backed by his media empire that is no trifling threat. BUT the absolutely astounding aspect of this situation is that the regulator allowed Murdoch to getaway with political murder. However, it may all backfire on arrogant Murdoch in court, as it would be a simple matter to PROVE external interference in the Oz Federal Election.

Anyone standing for office, including financially capable Clive Palmer could and should challenge Murdoch in court over the totally fixed elections and an OBVIOUSLY CORRUPT AND INCOMPETENT MEDIA REGULATOR.

Most Aussies imagine that the elections will be over Saturday, however, the smart money is betting that it has only just begun; a very strong case exists to declare the election result null. Serves you right, Rupert, you arrogant prick!

Murdoch has thrown his media weight none too subtly behind the very obedient to the plutocrats, Tony Abbott, who leads his party as the “suppository” of faux pas and gaffes -- the rest of his front bench has followed suit with gaffe after inane rambling, all in an effort not to commit or say anything that may interfere with the Corporate/Plutocratic agenda they have been handed!

Go for it Clive and Kevin, or perhaps a class action straight after the obviously interfered with/FIXED Elections.

You have been too long in the USA, Murdoch, and have forgotten where you learned your tricks -- Oz is NOT whipped dog America! Read this piece again and weep.

Also, much has been done in the media to ridicule billionaire independent Clive Palmer for obvious reasons, particularly referring to his statement that former wife to Murdoch is a power hungry gold digging Chinese spy. In order to enlighten those not familiar with communistic regime methods, be advised that everyone in China is a potential spy -- that is how it works, the option is made available to ALL citizens to assist their nation. Anyone from former socialist Eastern Europe is able to verify that is exactly how it works! Real life is not an Ian Flemming (007) novel, morons.

See you in court, Rupert, you senile, arrogant DUNCE; I hope Deng screws you proper -- a fighting Chinese female is a formidable opponent, of that be assured.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-796.html