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Putin playing antagonist prima donna AGAIN!
by druze Thursday, Sep 5 2013, 12:12am
international / prose / post

Never forget the outrageous 26,000 bombing sorties over Libya and Putin doing NOTHING about it when the UN was clearly being flouted and obvious attempts on Gaddafi's life (illegal regime change) were published world-wide! Where were you then, Putin, you fuckin' MOUSE? Who gives a shit what you SAY, DO SOMETHING to protect and enforce the LAWS you constantly refer to! What is the good of civilised laws if no-one has the GUTS to enforce them against a very obvious criminal aggressor, you piece of COWARDLY shit -- NOW to the POINT!

In REFERENCE to those international LAWS, Mr Putin, you would discover that Kosovo remains LEGAL SOVEREIGN Serbian Territory -- AND you would also be aware that this is where the ZIONIST/PLUTOCRATIC push began -- from the staged and clearly orchestrated invasion of the Balkans -- then to Iraq and on -- WITH THE SAME TRANSPARENT FEEBLE STRATEGIES that have been EXPOSED time and time again!

So who are you addressing, Putin, ill-informed Americans or the world which knows a damn sight better? You allow traditional ally and slav cousins to be OPPRESSED by Western forces in Serbia TODAY when you could enforce EXISTING LAWS and assist Serbia in RESTORING its sovereign territory, which was ILLEGALLY appropriated by thieves and terrorists, USA/KLA/NATO!

Where are you Putin and who do you really serve, as your NON-actions betray the REALITY not the thin rhetoric that issues from your COWARDLY, criminal mouth?

The LAW supports you and China, Putin, DEFEND YOUR ALLIES, you LAME, cowardly superpowers -- start where it all started in the Balkans, restore Kosovo to its rightful owner and follow the same illegal course the Americans took but remedying the situation according to EXISTING LAW as you go, you despicable coward and corrupt deceiver!


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-793.html