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The Language of Sacred Geometry
by stylus Sunday, Aug 18 2013, 1:24am
international / prose / post

A tradition which originated in ancient Egypt (perhaps earlier as ancient ‘Hindus’ record this knowledge) and taught to elite initiates for centuries, including the best Greek minds of the time, survives today but only just, as this period is one of the ‘darkest periods’ in the history of human evolution. I refer to the ‘language’ (which must be appreciated) of geometry that imparts more than is seen by casual observers or many of the best mathematicians today.

The original trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus
The original trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus

Number and ‘form’ theory comes to us from the ancient Greeks who completed their higher learning in Egypt; this knowledge is also evident in Egypt’s amazing architectural and engineering legacy -- three dimensional (buildings) contain many messages that initiates have encoded into their ‘designs’ for future generations. However, these messages/knowledges continue to escape the gross minds of today.

Pythagoras, after completing his studies in Egypt, introduced this knowledge to the 'west;’ some of this knowledge also found its way into the symbolism of Christianity, which, it must be remembered, is an entirely Greek production though the narrative is set in a Middle Eastern context. Most of Pythagoras’ esoteric teachings are ignored by modern western mathematicians as they find them too obscure, elusive and scientifically (empirically) awkward; however, the inability of empiricists to understand anything beyond the five senses does not detract from the knowledges Pythagoras imparts; infinity is also beyond the reach of the five senses! However, a glimmer of hope exists in quantum theory which does eventually lead to inter-dimensionality and INFINITY!

As will be appreciated, some of that knowledge finds expression in Greek narratives that are extant today, particularly Christian Gospel narratives which are entirely Greek productions not Hebrew, as it is often assumed.

By way of introduction, as this knowledge is voluminous and leads to INFINITY or complete knowledge/cosmic consciousness, I shall only deal superficially with the first three initial principles/numbers, the monad, duad and triad.

Everything that exists follows immutable laws of existence, which is why knowledge can be accessed and expressed mathematically or otherwise i.e. via poetic means.

Existence follows certain patterns of expression as does everything that exists (naturally). Nothing issues from nothing [which I just noticed has a double meaning (use a hyphen!)]

So everything is traceable/understandable. Consider the power of infinity ‘UN-MANIFEST’ and then manifesting first as the monad that indivisible mythical, last/first point! Are you able to imagine all the energy of the infinite universe expressing itself only through ONE indivisible point? That would be one all-powerful expression of energy but one point is unable to ‘appreciate itself’ or anything else; it is incomplete or ‘limited’ to pure manifestation only, so, in order to become integrated/complete/whole or self-aware, it begins to DIVIDE into TWO and becomes the duad -- now please understand that these energies are not isolated or separate, they exist in CONCERT, however, for our current purpose of gaining some understanding we view each ‘instrument’ in the ‘orchestra of existence' to illustrate a point!

Infinite energy now divides into TWO, a binary, opposites by nature, which if left at this stage would be self-defeating as infinite energy divided into two equal, opposing forces would forever be in conflict with no hope of reconciliation; however, existence has now become aware of an ‘other’, notwithstanding that other is (necessarily) a polar opposite.

In order to resolve the ‘conflict’ a third principle is introduced and we then have the TRIAD, the first essential (as in essence) expression of creative self-consciousness -- you see, the first principle, monad, is forever projecting ‘out’ and is unaware of itself, it lacks reflection; the divided duad is in constant struggle as it’s (energy) is caught/locked in a constant binary opposition/struggle; however, the third principle reconciles the yin-yang, positive-negative, into its most essential RECONCILED, SELF-AWARE form as the triad, expressed as the equilateral triangle! The first truly, ‘I AM THAT I AM’ geometric manifestation -- all energy/existence at this stage has become unconditionally SELF-AWARE by returning to its point of origin with awareness of itself.

Now to illustrate a lost knowledge (which issued originally from Egypt).

We have progressed to CREATIVE self-awareness expressed in the form of an equilateral triangle, a beautiful ‘essential’ geometric form; now consider the Jewish hexagram of perfect balance representing the ancient hermetic maxim of, “as above, so below;” two equally inter-locked triangles representing the microcosm (apex down) reflected in the macrocosm (apex up) and vice-versa.

I hope you understand as these principles are extremely difficult to express linguistically but expressed as geometry they literally ‘sing’ the ‘music of the spheres!’

Researches would also note that a perspex cube hides in itself a hexagram if held at the correct angle and of course a cube unfolded becomes a ‘calvary cross’ or Judaism finding its next stage of development! However, I do not subscribe to ‘religion’ as it is understood by morons today; nevertheless, the esoteric is easily read/decoded by those familiar with the universal language used by ancient initiates.

Readers should note that the universe expressed as numeric forces/principles finds completion in the Ennead (9) but I must leave the progression to infinity for another paper -- a daunting task!


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