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The Creep of un-Reality
by jodie - ICH Monday, Aug 12 2013, 1:27am
international / prose / post

The strongest messages are those that bypass the conscious discriminative faculty and are delivered DIRECTLY to the subconscious. The following example illustrates the point:

Hollywood Osama Bin Laden
Hollywood Osama Bin Laden

To distinguish between Reality and un-reality we must first outline the reality of events and compare against the unreality of rhetorical discourse or propaganda -- which may, if we are not vigilant, become reality!

The linked article written by Chris Nineham, is a very clear example of a fiction delivered as reality -- please note, this is a clinical analysis, I am not concerned with intent.

You will note the title, "The Real Reason for Obama's Terrorist Scaremongering: He's Losing the 'War on Terror'. "

Determined immediately is the FICTION, as opposed to the reality of an external 'war on "terror," which was purposefully created -- it should also be noted that 'TERROR' is a noun and via grammatical subterfuge, war on a noun easily facilitates ongoing accusations (of terrorist) and continuing or 'permanent warfare!'

The sell of the reality of the "war on terror," which in FACT was/is a FABRICATION or orchestrated plot hatched by the neo-cons and imposed on the world by the Bush-Cheney regime is achieved by re-directing attention, in this case to another fabricated global 'terrorist' threat . However, the historical and corporeal 'reality' is, there is NO war or terrorist threat that was NOT CREATED by the USA -- the moneyed Bin Laden family was in fact friends of the Bush family!

A 'war' was required by the ruling plutocracy in order to extend executive powers and create a Police State; illegal and non-constitutional policies imposed on the people were justified by phantom threats and/or INTERNAL false flag operations -- 9/11 and the anthrax letters.

As is clearly evident today, the social impositions on the American people have been accelerated, enhanced and expanded by the Obama regime, which is also puppet to the same controlling Plutocracy as was the Bush regime -- [verify it for yourselves, I am not a 'spoon feeder,' I am an analyst/commentator.]

The title delivers as a GIVEN -- that the 'war on terror' is an external reality, as emphasis (perhaps strategically) is shifted or focused elsewhere to another issue that involves inept puppet Obama.

The entire plan of a 'WAR ON TERROR,' developed by the ruling Plutocracy, was to facilitate without internal or external resistance, strategic territorial (Kosovo etc.) grabs and coveted resource (oil/energy ) THEFTS -- criminal assassinations (regime change), civilian killing and other heinous criminal activities would all be justified by the alleged terrorist threat!

To date, largely due to a completely SUBJECTED, intimidated and fearful population, this nefarious plan has been successful, yet it is as transparent as a courtesan's nickers!

[Apologies extended to Chris, if required; your article clearly was not intended to deceive but to awaken the masses, though that may be a lost cause; nevertheless, we all persevere for the sake of the historical record and in the vain hope that the moronic masses will discover the nose on their imbecilic faces and develop the COURAGE to support the heroic Manning's of OUR TIME.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-746.html