Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Mrs Manning: My son is "Superman"
by tide Sunday, Aug 4 2013, 11:37am
international / prose / post

Brad Manning's mother utilised the mass media to send a public message to her son, Bradley: "Susan Manning said he should know she considered him her "Superman". "Never give up hope, son," she was quoted as saying. "I know I may never see you again, but I know you will be free one day. I pray it is soon."

In the meantime Americans with a conscience are signing a petition in droves to serve Manning's prison time, such is the respect and support this REAL American hero engenders in the community.

It's not just a story of an underdog's triumph over inconceivable odds -- the Manning case is truly HISTORIC and is DESTINED to sink the NOW OBVIOUS CRIMINAL PLUTOCRACY that currently OWNS Washington (watch the dominoes fall!) It may be timely to jump ship now KNOWN members of Congress who have been BOUGHT by Wall St and Corporatists; the noose is slowly but surely tightening around the necks of the criminals that have waged war on the Constitution and Bill of Rights -- "pieces of paper," are they?

Ironically there is NO HOPE for 'hope and change' Obama or other TRAITOROUS puppet politicians that clearly serve corporatist interests rather than the democratic MAJORITY!

The now aware population is watching everything that transpires in Washington today under a lens; whatever the evil administration attempts to do to mitigate or stem the rising tide against it, it better be damn good as it has completely run out of luck and credibility.

Remain vigilant people, and the evil mass murdering filth that has overtaken many western democracies will crumble overnight, as rats run to save themselves.

The tide rises and a chill wind approaches to purge and CLEAN the Halls of Power and RESTORE JUSTICE and REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY to the WORLD.

Bradley Manning, HERO, has single-handedly overcome the giant mega-power of the world armed only with perseverance, integrity, valour, exceptional courage and strength of character -- Bradley Manning, we salute you, Bradley, WE ARE YOU!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-734.html