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Desmond Tutu Refuses to Share Platform with Tony Blair
by staff report via judd - CommonDreams Wednesday, Aug 29 2012, 12:00am
international / prose / post

Integrity, morality and conscience are their own reward. They build character, courage and assuredness, come what may -- bravo, Mr Tutu! The global masses can hang their subservient, cowardly heads in shame allowing brazen, lying war criminals, Bush, Blair and Howard to remain at large and unpunished for their heinous roles in the 21st century's largest civilian HOLOCAUST.

Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu

Ever a man of conscience, Nobel laureate, anti-apartheid icon and retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu has withdrawn from a leadership summit in South Africa to protest the presence of former prime minister Tony Blair, whose support for the Iraq War Tutu condemned as "morally indefensible." Meanwhile, calls are mounting for the arrest of Blair for crimes against humanity.

"Morality and leadership are indivisible. In this context, it would be inappropriate and untenable for the Archbishop to share a platform with overt liar and war criminal, Tony Blair."

War criminals Tony Blair and John Howard
War criminals Tony Blair and John Howard

Over one million innocent Iraqi civilians dead
Over one million innocent Iraqi civilians dead

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-73.html