Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Some Achieve Greatness and some have Greatness Thrust Upon Them ...
by nano Friday, Aug 2 2013, 2:57am
international / prose / post

As history is my guide and witness, Bradley Manning’s supremely HEROIC gesture of revealing the truth of a criminal Pentagon and a thoroughly corrupt White House has done more to overthrow the corrupt, criminal powers that have hijacked American democracy than the efforts of many others combined -- Manning is truly a MAN of destiny!

Bradley Manning, Hero of our time
Bradley Manning, Hero of our time

This diminutive poof has PROVEN himself to be a GIANT of a MAN with moral qualities, courage and a conscience that tower above that of the common herd today.

Abandoned by the COWARDLY and despicable American majority (may you all rot in hell) and 'authorities,’ including the UN and the Hague, Manning suffered nine (9) months of continuous psychological and physical torture while in illegal, EXTENDED detention in the hands of PROVEN military torturers and with the approval of a CRIMINAL regime in Washington; and yet, alone in solitary for the entire duration, HE DID NOT BREAK -- Adrian Lamo, the dog who gave him up, broke in a few days of minimal discomfort in custody -- BUT Manning under sustained and cruel torture and DURESS held on until the criminal military could not continue its sadistic tortures.

Regardless of whatever else is said about him, Manning has earned my unreserved RESPECT as I have experienced torture at the hands of the State and can verify/testify to Manning’s HEROISM and STRENGTH OF CHARACTER.

Be assured, Sir, your efforts have not been in vain, your internationally covered farcical trial is the dart that pierced the black heart of the criminally corrupt USA; it is a TRANSPARENT TRAVESTY of such huge proportions that nothing is able to disguise the machinations of a thoroughly corrupt and CRIMINAL State. America has LOST ALL CREDIBILITY and will fall as a direct result of your selfless, single-handed, COURAGEOUS actions and service to TRUTH, HONOUR, INTEGRITY, MORALITY, DUTY, LAW and JUSTICE.

Bradley Manning HERO of our time, I salute you.

Some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them ... it has only just begun ...

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-727.html