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America is Running out of Suitable Psychopaths
by jed Wednesday, Jul 31 2013, 3:12am
international / prose / post

The ruling plutocracy is lamenting. With Obama’s use-by date exceeded, this puppet president is now fully transparent and so ‘on the nose’ he is rank. As a result of ‘his’ liberal kill list, Drone wars, indefinite detention and global surveillance policies, etc., he is no longer viable to remain in office. So who is being groomed to replace him?

Clinton is a known quantity and already on the nose as a lackey to the same interests Obama served so faithfully; she already has a reputation as an inept liar and sociopath, ‘dodging sniper bullets in Sarajevo, LIE’ and, “we came, we saw, he died,” stupidly admitting responsibility for the proxy murder of Gaddafi. On the ‘other’ side, Romney and whoever? Given today’s increased social awareness, the field is very thin indeed for anything with a smidgen of credibility to occupy the now, not so prestigious, White House -- the Bradley Manning case painted it a distinctive shade brown!

America is running out of suitable sociopaths for the job; remember, ‘community organiser,’ Obama, was groomed by Kissinger, and Clinton of course is married into the nefarious tradition, her husband continues to be actively engaged in Bilderberg etc! So who is gonna be the next puppet president to the Plutocrats, that is the question? Where does a criminal minority ruling elite find their next puppet president?

Of course, if the population foolishly allow themselves to be mesmerised by the two party charade AGAIN the outcome is guaranteed and it will be full speed ahead for the now clearly nihilistic status quo!

However, if on the other hand American citizens resort to their dictionaries and discover that D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y is really MAJORITY RULE, they just might install an INDEPENDENT people's representative to high office!

Imagine the reaction from the evil plutocrats, more 9/11 false flag attacks, anthrax letters, a hurriedly located ‘grassy knoll’ and the futile attempt to censor all information about electing REAL REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS to OFFICE -- the public is truly tired of all the lackeys, pathological liars and mass murdering psychopaths that have occupied high office to date.

We shall see!

Perhaps ruling plutocrats may dispense with the tissue-thin charade of puppet proxies and just take over themselves, they’re already doing it in Europe and North Africa! Imagine the executive, Blankfein, Dimon etc., with a Congress populated by Rockefellers and Rothschilds!

We, as the Chinese say, ‘live in (very) interesting times!’

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-723.html