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The Manning Trial and Criminal Inversion
by judd Monday, Jul 29 2013, 11:20am
international / prose / post

I just read that Bradley Manning supporters from more than 40 cities in America staged a demonstration at the offices of Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan (note that name), convening authority of Manning’s case in Washington. Unsurprisingly, the peaceful efforts of protesters were to no avail, as the vast majority of Americans allow the killing of INNOCENT little children in illegal wars and the railroading of Manning to continue, notwithstanding that it was for the people that Manning sacrificed his personal Freedom and well-being – the ‘gratitude’ of the American people is beyond measure, to be sure!

Should be: "Free Brad Manning, Indict the Guilty"
Should be: "Free Brad Manning, Indict the Guilty"

Americans are aware their government is criminal but refuse to march on the political capital en masse, as they imagine they are benefitting from the spoils of a host of illegal wars around the world. Indeed, the US military is a proven criminal organisation, and if criminals rule, law becomes reversed and reason inverted, the guilty are ignored and the innocent are targeted.

Representation was broad but the message to the US military was very weak indeed. Where else in the world does someone that reports a crime get placed on trial and the criminals allowed to go free? Or put another way, where else in the world do proven criminals conduct trials of people of high moral conviction/calibre and conscience? Without naming any nation specifically, the answer quite clearly is a CRIMINAL STATE!

Pfc Manning, hero of our time, was fully aware that the criminal military and the ‘kill list’ government would make an example of him to deter others from speaking out against US crimes BUT Manning has proven himself to be a FIGHTER with the heart of a lion! So I will ask it again and again, until the cow-ards come home, for whom did Manning sacrifice his well-being and Freedom? Yes, the American people, the frightened majority, too scared to save Manning or themselves – I do not wish to be the one to say I told you so, but I told you so! Nonetheless, I would assist in framing a proper protest/confrontation with the criminal military and Obama regime.

DO NOT (never) ASK, criminal organisations/States anything, make DEMANDS and persistently target the guilty, widely publicising their names! Do this while contrasting the innocence of Manning with the rottenness of the child killing military. In other words go on the OFFENSIVE at all times; feeble requests beg for the response they deserve!

The ‘trial’ is a TRAVESTY OF LAW, morality, reason and sanity – do you think those suggestions may be helpful, geeesh!?

Alternatively, conduct CONSTANT campaigns to have Obama arrested for the OBVIOUS war crimes HE commits, especially killing civilians/CHILDREN, for Christ’s sake! What is wrong with you people, the Manning trial is PURE FARCE, you do not make requests of criminals after the fact/conviction!

Well, at least you didn’t sit down and allow the police to empty canisters of pepper spray in your naïve, timid, bourgeois faces.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-720.html