Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by zed Wednesday, Jul 24 2013, 1:56pm
international / poetry / post

who do u think u kill
foolish, wicked child,
u can no more kill than give life,
one endows the other?

what mischief now foments
in ur vicious little mind?
do u imagine u possess (anything)
or that u persist of ur own
u are part of a tapestry of existence
sustained by everything in
the world u inhabit,
careful u do not make it desolate
or un-inhabitable

who would u torture but urself
understand that every pain, pleasure
and sensation u experience
are manifestations/consequences
of past actions;
the hamster wheel u run
whether gild or plain
is a wheel
tho u imagine ur actions
form linear trajectories

u emerged from no-thing
and to nothing or no-thing
u return

ur life of joys and woes,
sorrows and pain
is no more real than a dream
where would u go from here?

are u able to arrive at ur destination
without departing?
or have u realised that
ur origin and destination
are one?

live ur life of waking
and sleeping dreams
and realise
u are already free/enslaved
by choice/consequence

i offer proof
a key out of this world
of dreams

selfless love is accessible
to all,
the annihilator of misery
the negator of hell --

unconditional love reveals truth
the face u had before
u came into being

everything that exists possesses
the means of its emancipation/liberation,
the abandoned and desolate
are not lost
they are yet to realise
they have abandoned themselves
and made their world desolate

ignorance and fear
have forged their chains
and locked the door
to their prison cells

sleep now recalcitrant child
dream of horrors and desolation
i will whisper freedom
in ur deaf ears
and shine light in ur blind eyes

u are not abandoned
i have left a little of myself
deep in ur being
a beacon in the night
a lighthouse to steer u away
from folly and wickedness

put aside ur mischief and
learn to love without expectation -
there is no other escape
from ur sorrow and misery

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-712.html