Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

A Mammal gives birth -- how 'unusual!'
by charlie Monday, Jul 22 2013, 11:09pm
international / prose / post

The planet is going to hell in a hand basket; criminals have hijacked western democracies and are waging perpetual war; citizens are targeted for assassination and indefinite detention without recourse of any kind, law is flouted everywhere by governments and corrupt judiciaries; American presidents compile kill lists and pursue truth tellers; big brother and other rogue agencies conduct illegal global surveillance on everyone -- and that's just for starters!

Slaves and morons wait for birth of hereditary murderer
Slaves and morons wait for birth of hereditary murderer

And how has all this come about? I'll give you a hint, M-O-R-O-N-S!

While the evil powers pursue their nefarious objective of profit at ANY cost, they distract you by saturating the media with nothing more sophisticated than a mammal giving birth -- gee, how absolutely 'remarkable!'

The fact that this mammal is a member of the British Royal Family only makes matters worse, as that monarchy is responsible for numerous genocides and other gross crimes against humanity the world over -- read your history, imbeciles!

ALL monarchies and modern ruling elites are guilty of mass murder, plunder, pillage, rape, TORTURE, infanticide and every other heinous crime you can imagine; and what do you people do in view of that REALITY? Flock to a Royal hospital to wait for the delivery of another hereditary MURDERER; and I'm NOT sorry to say, they are the hard, HISTORICAL, FACTS.

Wake up to yourselves people, and RESTORE your respective nations to democracy (majority rule), law, order, JUSTICE, sanity and hold ALL criminals in financial and political capitals to account for their MANY CRIMES against the PEOPLE then HANG THE MASS MURDERING BASTARDS!

If you wish to congregate en masse then for Christ's sake congregate and ACT on JUST and NOBLE CAUSES/PRINCIPLES -- not in support of PROVEN criminal monarchies and plutocratic ruling elites!

Sufficient unto servitude are the SLAVES thereof!

[Disseminate this message widely.]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-710.html