Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

In YOUR Face, Choke on it!
by lor Saturday, Jul 20 2013, 11:38pm
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning EXPOSED Pentagon war crimes to the WORLD in the hope that JUSTICE would be served. His singular action was extraordinarily brave and heroic, as he was fully cognisant of the consequences should his efforts be ignored.

It is astonishing and absurd to the extreme to witness a 'trial' conducted by the criminal ACCUSED, Pentagon (proven) against the morally outraged and duty-bound ACCUSER, a man of exceptional character, conscience and valour!

Now, understand that revealing crimes is NOT a crime but allowing accused criminals to crucify the brave man that revealed them is a crime of complicity, as that inaction indirectly allows and supports further crimes by the criminal ACCUSED -- have we got that, you despicable, gutless yankee, dogs?

Imagine a brave man galloping through town on a horse screaming "the British are coming" and the population cringing in their houses like frightened rabbits because that is exactly what is occurring today -- a new criminal elite is stealing your nation from under you while you cower like the fuckin' DOGS that you are, if the fuckin' shoe fits ....!

To a lesser extent the global population is also complicit and by consequence if America criminally intervenes in your nation then suck on it, as you have no 'leg to stand on!'

Almost the entire world has seen the incriminating video of cowardly, psychopathic Americans participating in their favourite 'sport' -- KILLING CIVILIANS -- indeed, America REMAINS the world's leading civilian killing nation, and that dear readers makes America the world's leading TERRORIST nation -- FACT! Verify it for yourselves.

You will excuse my language but I'm an Aussie and a trifle heated by the injustices that I witness DAILY and the lack of moral fibre that is so evident today -- it is shameful and disgusting to witness. A man was not born to grovel or be a slave to criminals! I hope you all choke on your cowardice, and as history is my witness that outcome is ASSURED!

And to you young, brave, Bradley Manning, this veteran salutes you - God's speed to you, Sir; you have honoured your profession by revealing the HEINOUS crimes of your superiors, history will never forget your singular act of extreme valour, extraordinary moral fortitude and exceptional bravery, be assured!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-704.html