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Coles Integrity Watch -- UPDATE of Email Exchange
by shopper Saturday, Jul 20 2013, 10:19am
international / prose / post

Following are recent emails to 'Coles Customer Care;' however, due to copyright restrictions we are unable to publish the Coles emails, nonetheless, the extremely detailed customer responses paint a very clear picture indeed.

This material is published in the public interest -- readers would note that Wesfarmers Coles Supermarket Chain has recently been fined ($61K) by the ACCC for "misleading and deceptive conduct."


Your Ref/N: -------------

Dear Sir,

I refer to your email ----- and would ask that you re-send in plain text,
as I do not deal with 'eml' file extensions as a matter of security policy.

Furthermore, I would urge you to familiarise yourself with the entire situation, as your offer of a "gift card" at this stage amounts to an insult! Be cognisant of the reprehensible treatment I have received from Coles' management and staff to date and be advised that I was smugly informed at the outset by Coles supervisors - Eastgate BJ - ('daughter' of duty manager that slanderously sparked this entire incident) that head office Melbourne, would ignore my complaint, and Sir, that is precisely what you did until I embarked on a campaign to expose all your sordid practices to the Australian public.

Yours sincerely,
-- -----------

An email from Coles' new Customer Care Manager followed -- the complete customer response is a follows:

Your Ref/N: ---------------

21 July, 2013

To: ------- ------------
Coles Customer Care Manager

Dear Mr ------------,

Thank you for your extremely late personal response to my complaint‭; ‬eight months to respond personally to a relatively simple matter is clearly unacceptable,‭ ‬though it does provide more examples of Coles‭’ ‬failed policies and/or managerial incompetence.

Your very late offer of an apology,‭ ‬which would have resolved the matter in its initial stage,‭ ‬is noted‭; ‬however,‭ ‬in the circumstances your thoughtless offer of a‭ ‬$50‭ ‬credit voucher is most insulting given the slanderous imputations made on my character and the callous disregard I have been shown over an eight month period by store managers and‭ “‬Coles Customer Care.‭”

However,‭ ‬I do note your advice that you have replaced the manager that chose to impolitely and callously disregard most of my emails requesting progress reports and/or a resolution to the matter raised by my complaint; ‭ ‬notwithstanding my additional advise that I would embark on a public campaign to expose the many instances of Coles‭’ offensive‬,‭ ‬disrespectful and deceptive behaviour.‭ ‬I am also aware that since my initial complaint you have been fined by the regulator for,‭ ‬"false,‭ ‬misleading and deceptive conduct‭!‬"

You will note that the campaign to which I refer has now been underway for some time,‭ ‬though it is only in its initial phase.‭ ‬A dedicated‭ “‬Coles Integrity Watch,‭” ‬website for‭ ‬customer,‭ ‬staff and supplier grievances/complaints is in preparation‭; ‬a full report to the Wesfarmers Board and more importantly,‭ ‬shareholders,‭ ‬covering the many gross improprieties,‭ ‬managerial failures/incompetence and other failures that relate directly to your American modelled company,‭ ‬including its many‭ ‘‬curious‭’ ‬or‭ ‬devious practices like accelerating sales turnover by selling ice-affected/damaged vegetables,‭ ‬will be made available‭; ‬and many more instances of Coles‭’ ‬improprieties as they come to light will also be published in the public interest.

Regarding managerial failures,‭ ‬I note that your email refers numerous times to the wrong store,‭ ‬which is a very poor reflection of the level of attention you have given this matter.‭ ‬In view of the abundance of very clear information you have before you,‭ ‬I fail to understand how you could make this mistake numerous times‭ ‬--‭ ‬the actual store in question is the‭ ‬EASTGATE Bondi Junction store,‭ NOT‬ the Westfield store,‭ ‬though I do understand that the Eastgate store manager to which you refer has recently been transferred to the Westfield store,‭ ‬though the offending duty manager and his daughter remain at the Eastgate store.

Furthermore,‭ ‬you make other gross errors and erroneous assertions. If you would care to review the most recent correspondence and the‭ ‘‬linked published article‭’ ‬you would discover that I referred to your own in-house surveillance videos‭ (‬of‭ ‬17‭ ‬July,‭ ‬for your convenience‭) ‬as proof of my claims‭ – ‬in that regard you would have discovered that fresh produce stock had been removed from trays/shelves almost two‭ (‬2‭) ‬HOURS prior to closing,‭ ‬not‭ ‬15‭ ‬minutes before closing,‭ ‬as you confidently though erroneously assert‭; ‬I would also inform you that to my fairly broad knowledge of this store’s habits,‭ ‬ice tray display stock is usually removed one hour before closing,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬please verify video footage for yourself:

You will note that the campaign to which I refer has now been underway for some time,‭

Regarding managerial failures,‭


“‬I can confirm that we move a few of our fresh products to a refrigerated storage area prior to closing in order to properly and safely store these products overnight.‭ ‬This stock remains on shelf until‭ ‬15‭ ‬minutes before closing.‭ ‬Two items from each of the lines that are removed for refrigeration remain on display overnight and are therefore available until closing.‭” [‬My Emphasis.‭]‭
Also the‭ ‬2‭ ‬vegetable items of the Asian varieties that remain on ice are so severely frost-damaged after hours in ice trays,‭ ‬their appearance and texture is limp,‭ ‬flaccid with discoloured and frost-crinkled leaf areas; their appearance presents as truly tragic and comical compared to the same varieties that have not been subjected to contact with ice/frost,‭ ‬though some would say they do reflect perfectly the state of Coles‭’ ‬management.

So,‭ ‬it would appear that someone,‭ ‬research assistant perhaps,‭ ‬has made an ass of you,‭ ‬Mr -----------,‭ ‬or you have made a thorough ass of yourself‭ – ‬yet another ‘outstanding’ Coles launch in a new managerial role‭!

I strongly urge you to firmly apprehend the situation‭ ‬--‭ ‬and ALL its implications‭ ‬--‭ ‬and conduct a thorough review of all available email correspondence and all linked published material,‭ ‬and of course view all relevant video security footage,‭ ‬which I would have thought would have been a priority during the course of your investigations.‭ ‬After doing so --‭ ‬please verify the following with growers and suppliers --‭ ‬I would ask you to explain in detail why Coles alone has chosen to consciously and deliberately expose sensitive, frost INTOLERANT fresh vegetable produce to ice,‭ ‬which clearly and indisputably damages the stock and DRASTICALLY reduces storage life after purchase‭; ‬notwithstanding that in-store crushed ice presents additional OHS risks to staff and customers‭!

After all the negative publicity you have recently received for‭ “‬deceptive conduct‭” ‬and your ongoing legal battles in this regard,‭ ‬ I sincerely hope that this practice is not designed to surreptitiously accelerate sales turnover.

Good luck Mr -----------, and I am sure you will be as astonished by what you discover.

‬I look forward to‭ ‬receiving‭ ‬your informed and considered response.‭

‬Yours sincerely,‭

‬Mr -- -----------

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-703.html