Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

The Battle is Really for Your Mind
by grey Monday, Jul 15 2013, 2:02pm
international / prose / post

We laugh every time mainstream (CFR) news covers stories of domestic Drone surveillance simply due to the very well-known fact (by specialists and the socially aware) that a UAV is a sitting duck in the sky regardless of how ‘sophisticated’ it is purported by the powers to be. Most of us remember the Iranians hacking into remote systems and hijacking the most sophisticated surveillance Drone the USA possessed – a simple proof of concept/point.


Now please, try and snap out of your hypnotic trance and free yourself from the propaganda that constantly issues from your home entertainment units reinforcing your imagined/created fears or telling you how powerless and weak you are and that you are unable to take effective action against the criminals that have temporarily hijacked government, because the OPPOSITE is the REALITY!

Regarding the recent intentionally created hysteria of NSA surveillance and the related (software) systems they deploy – understand this well: ANY CODE THAT ONE MAN MAKES ANOTHER MAN CAN BREAK – SUCH IS THE IMMUTABLE L-A-W OF HACKING and it will ALWAYS be that way.

Regarding ‘SECURITY,’ it’s a MYTH; there is no such thing as a secure social space – every social space is vulnerable to an attack of some sort. For instance, the crap that government spews about keeping ‘us safe’ is complete FANTASY, what they are in fact doing is enslaving the poor fools that believe their extremely feeble lies/propaganda.

Some years back we illustrated the point in a paper by simply citing/highlighting the FACT that US capital cities are saturated in illegal drugs and other contraband, which is proof of the fact that US borders, air, land and coastal spaces HAVE ALL BEEN COMPLETELY COMPROMISED; not by ‘terrorists’ or escape-artists/magicians but by common crooks that are successfully engaged in smuggling drugs and other contraband into the country and I would add they do this by the tonne, in HUGE shipments, so introducing WMD via the same means presents NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER, doh!

There are no terrorists other than those your governments create! THAT IS REALITY, it is child’s play to introduce a variety of WMD in huge quantities into ANY nation and wreak havoc but as we all are aware that hasn’t occurred – and do not believe the tripe that government agencies have stopped numerous attacks, – take another look at the quantity of drugs on the streets and throughout white-collar society, especially the stock market/currency traders – LOL -- are we coming out of our trance yet?

A few years back we declared we ‘owned the wire’ – could roam the ENTIRE internet at will -- it was a slight exaggeration but we nevertheless had Senator Rockefeller screaming hysterically that the internet should never have been invented -- various strategies by the powers have since narrowed the field of activity for average uses, “walled gardens” and Google/search engine data ‘management, etc.’ However, elite crewz continue to effectively own the wire, in other words we are beyond surveillance/control/apprehension or any other form of government management/control, the agencies have no idea who the fuck we are -- we are FREE, the only free group in the WORLD today; we ARE the ELITE DIGITAL UNDERGROUND, warriors in the purest sense of the word and we couldn’t give a fuck about morons, factory and cannon fodder, cringing, cowering, genitally groped, slaves -- you people are truly P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C; ‘I fear, therefore I am’ – LOL!

You are afraid because some clown told you that you should be afraid! Few if any of you have the acumen to deduce it’s ALL fabrications and LIES -- fair fuckin’ dinkum you people are staggeringly STUPID; it is the MINORITY ruling elite that is in DREAD FEAR of YOU, MORONS!

Drag them out of their glass towers on Wall Street and drag the criminals and mass murderers from high office and purge government of this MINORITY vermin, YOUR name is LEGION their name is jellyfish – why do you ACQUIESCE, why do you serve them? You people are happy to eat shit and live in chains, well, to each their own.

Be AWARE of ALL defeatist rhetoric, it comes in many forms from varied sources, this man is a prize example YES, HIM! It begins with 'fait accompli' titles then defeatist rhetoric continues throughout most of his articles -- defeatist CRAP does not a winner make! The masses REMAIN the most powerful social force on the planet and the frightened elites are fully aware of the FACT! You're a sellout, Hedges.

The world belongs to those that have the ability to take it.

While the man fucks the morons up the arse, we fuck the man up the arse, it’s the natural order of things.

We will elaborate on this piece later, in the meantime bear in mind a strategy from Sun Tzu -- a smaller force is able to defeat a much larger enemy by turning its power back in on itself! The allegory of David and Goliath highlights guerrilla warfare a smaller agile force using its speed and skill to topple and then defeat the larger and highly developed enemy with its own technology/weaponry.

Sun Tzu however, refers to strategic psychological warfare and misleading the enemy to the extent it begins to behave against its own interests; for example, by highlighting how porous US borders are and that tonnes of drugs and other contraband pour in the USA daily, the feeble rhetoric of -- ‘keeping us safe’ -- is reduced to absurdity and outright falsity. Government panics as it is aware that the stream of propaganda/fiction/lies must not be stemmed for an extended period lest credibility and control of the masses is lost permanently. So an attack of this type meets with a swift and ‘reflex’ response, as opposed to a well thought out deliberate and carefully planned, counter-attack!

When security issues are made a laughing stock the exposed powers immediately go into overdrive and usually, overkill. Take the US today, which has no resemblance to a representative democracy or free nation. The people actually fear ‘their’ government as it is capable of locking them up on suspicion indefinitely or indeed murdering them based on secret assessments and lists.

The US government today has become rogue, it defies its own sacred principles enshrined in its Constitution and Bill of Rights; it acts undemocratically and above the law as judge, jury and executioner without oversight -- and so the smaller force succeeds in forcing the larger force to contract to the point where it threatens its own population, an untenable situation.

The next phase of course is to shoot the messenger or anyone that exposes/compromises government and its obvious failings and crimes -- have we seen manic pursuits of whistleblowers recently? Implosion is the final outcome as the now hyper-contractive government forces society to fragment into warring factions; opposing internal forces fight extremely bitter and passionate wars of attrition while the smaller stealthy and more adept external enemy watches and prepares for the quick and final decisive strike.

Today, the USA approaches the final phase of the above scenario and the inept fools in control have no idea they have been thoroughly duped and deftly led to their own self-destruction!

‘A house divided cannot stand;’ how does it feel, you yankee doodle dumb fucks?

Greetz to all the crewz – and to ‘ferrite,’ the first but not the last -- we are forever grateful, the seeds you planted are in FULL BLOOM.

[Oi, Barack, YOU won’t see it coming, cocksucker!]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-697.html