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Glenn Greenwald attempts to distract from Snowden’s nothing-new ‘Leaks’
by lex Sunday, Jul 14 2013, 2:59am
international / prose / post

In a Guardian piece today, Ed Snowden’s carefully selected journo mouthpiece, Glenn Greenwald, is characteristically attacking Reuters for ‘manipulating’ an interview he conducted with another news outlet -- this entire scenario is becoming quite the entertainment of the week and may soon take on the character of a soap opera with Greenwald’s offended homosexual ‘sensitivity’ now interfering with objective reporting/reality. It is becoming quite the laughable matter in view of recent events; neither Greenwald nor Snowden have released any really compromising material to date, the material released so far has been known for decades and continues to be freely available in the public domain; i.e. that the NSA has been conducting ILLEGAL global surveillance for decades under various code names including the now infamous but widely known, “Echelon,” an earlier form of PRISM!

Glenn Greenwald, concerned for his personal safety
Glenn Greenwald, concerned for his personal safety

Nevertheless, active operative Ed Snowden, with ‘sensitive’ Greenwald in tow, continue to make threats that they ‘could’ release material that would devastate the USA! However, both parties have not produced ONE single item of NEW COMPROMISING INFORMATION to date; to quote from Greenwald’s Guardian piece: “...he [Snowden] has all sorts of documents that could quickly and seriously harm the U.S. if disclosed” -- LOL -- give the thinking world a break!

But here is the juicy bit, only a paragraph before the above quote, Greenwald describes the U.S. correctly as a nation, “... that has spent the last decade invading, bombing, torturing, rendering, kidnapping, imprisoning without charges, droning, partnering with the worst dictators and murderers, and targeting its own citizens for assassination ...” -- dig that! Greenwald now wishes to protect such a nefarious and clearly criminal nation by withholding legally compromising information, so he claims -- make sense to you, does it? Cuz it sure does in the Ozarks, donne it, Jethro? -- LOL! This is really too funny.

But to return to the world of reality and rationality, as opposed to the hysterical emotional response of Greenwald.

Gentlemen, either ‘put up or shut up’ -- that simple! You now run the very real risk of losing ALL credibility!

If you have ‘THE GOODS’ on a criminal State then civilisation, ethics and morality OBLIGES you to REVEAL ALL COMPROMISING MATERIAL in your possession in order to facilitate the prosecution of ALL offenders. Bradley Manning has set a good example in this regard and continues to be a heroic warrior in the fight for JUSTICE and PEACE; his INTEGRITY is beyond reproach and his bravery is truly remarkable. Then we have the Greenwald and Snowden circus!

The next time you’re in Bondi, Glenn, drop in on our spy school and we'll teach you that an active operative in these situations has a number of primary and secondary objectives, China (failed) then you (ongoing) for example. The Guardian article is dripping with apprehension, fear and panic, Glenn, and it simply won’t do to have you showing your petticoat and fear. Releasing compromising data would actually improve your survival rating, but despite all your claims and threats nothing harmful to the US has been released that was not already known. Dear Glenn, you will have to do much better!

Astute readers would recall that while Assange occupied the media for over one year, courtesy of the CFR, the USA implemented more draconian laws, reduced more social liberties and freedoms and embarked on the most horrific killing campaigns in illegally occupied nations.

Understand that the world is brimming with narcissists, useful idiots, and other readily available potential 'assets;’ we simply would not know what to do without you, Glenn (and Julian).

O, and a crash course in semiotics/textual analysis, similar to the discipline that fully exposed the anthrax letters -- as issuing from the same group that is responsible for the 9/11 attack -- would not go astray!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-695.html