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Snowden and the Failed Baiting of China
by judd Friday, Jul 12 2013, 12:16pm
international / prose / post

According to reports released by WikiLeaks and Russia Today, Ed Snowden has accepted all offers of asylum, including Putin’s offer conditional to not releasing data that could “harm our American partners!" So if you ever wondered why Russia fed slavic Yugoslavia to the dogs and sat back and watched NATO/US devastate Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria, then wonder no more, the Russian leadership is in bed with the criminally corrupt Americans or rather the moneyed forces that control the White House and Congress.

“Partners” indeed, just follow the money and you would soon discover that Putin’s liquid assets and that of other corrupt Russian leaders are ferreted away in Western controlled Banks!

Snowden released a statement via Russian activists/lawyers and WikiLeaks and ended by stating that his “job was done” and he would not be releasing any information that could compromise the USA, how does it feel now, Mr Greenwald, you chump? Perhaps destroying your credibility was another planned objective, notwithstanding we are still looking for any revelations Snowden released that were not already widely KNOWN and freely available in the public domain (for decades).

Informed readers would also be aware that China wrote the book on warfare and spying, ‘Art of War,’ in 400 BC, which includes copious information on the the art of spying! You will excuse my cynicism regarding this obvious and inept attempt to bait China with a novice double agent that was on the nose from day one! The aim, no doubt, was to get as much information as possible on the cyber state of play and future cyber strategies and capability of the Chinese. Well, the Chinese didn't bite, nor did the real digital underground of hackers and elite digital warriors -- it hasn’t yet occurred to the nefarious cabals that all their major moves are entirely transparent -- the reason, 5th rate skill base!

However, the Snowden affair revealed more than intended especially about the thoroughly corrupt Russian leadership; Snowden also succeeded in one allotted task, to INFORM (soften) the global population that it was under constant surveillance -- the internet was designed to be an anonymous medium but the morons fell for social networking packages designed and funded by the CIA, NSA and other agencies.

It’s now CONFIRMED, the global population/PEOPLE vs nefarious ruling elites and their unrepresentative political servants. The outcome is certain, the moral majority vanquishes the unrepresentative criminal MINORITY.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-692.html