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Bradley Manning Sold Out
by mitch Thursday, Jul 11 2013, 1:18pm
international / prose / post

There is something very disturbing about the Manning case and that is everyone involved, including Manning’s defence team, is playing charades. The media refers to this charade as a trial when in fact it is pure pretence. It is legally and logically IMPOSSIBLE to conduct a fair trial when the (proven) criminally accused (Pentagon) is sitting in judgement of the accuser (Manning); are we clear on that? It is simply impossible to obtain an impartial verdict in those circumstances.

Bradley Manning, an exceptional human being
Bradley Manning, an exceptional human being

These proceedings are farcical, absurdist to the extreme and ILLEGAL for the above reasons. PROVEN criminal organisations (‘collateral murder’) are not qualified to conduct any form of legal proceedings, full stop! So why is Manning’s team PARTICIPATING in an “Emperor has clothes” farce? Clearly to contain the negative fallout created by Manning’s revelations against a ‘kill list’ criminal administration and US military -- the WORLD’S LEADING CIVILIAN KILLING ORGANISATION. Yes, indeed, the criminality goes right to the top, as is easily verified by Obama's direct and persistent Drone war murders of innocent men, women and CHILDREN! We need not labour the point as it couldn’t be clearer.

So why is Manning’s legal team playing along and lending legitimacy to a farcical trial? Any real defence team would be screaming foul rather than participating in a trial conducted under current conditions/circumstances. Not one attempt to highlight the absurdity and ILLEGALITY of this farce has been made, notwithstanding the manipulation of evidence, closed door secrecy, and other gross irregularities which prevent a FAIR TRIAL.

Manning’s actions of disclosing information that reveals the conscious criminality of the US military was based on PRINCIPLE, MORALITY and CONSCIENCE and his case should have been fought along those lines; but instead everyone is conforming to the imposed directions of the Pentagon and pretending that a legal trial is in process when in fact the opposite is true.

A final verdict of guilty for Manning is assured and to imagine otherwise is pure lunacy. The case should have been DENOUNCED as ILLEGAL from the outset and CHALLENGED every step of the way until the scorching heat of impropriety fried the US military and Obama.

Brave young and understandably naive Manning has been isolated for years and has suffered extreme psychological torture, including isolation for extended periods -- he cannot be expected to conduct an effective defence himself; however, allowing his defence team to play along with a show trial with a predetermined (guilty) verdict is tragic.

The entire proceedings should have been DENOUNCED in the strongest possible fashion until Manning was afforded an independent fair trial in an international Court that specialises in matters of State terrorism and war crimes.

By playing along with the criminal Pentagon, Manning’s ‘military’ defence team has sold him down the river. Only one effective strategy exists to combat criminally corrupt States and that is maintaining the moral high ground, which Manning occupies, and denouncing the proceedings as totally illegal and a travesty of justice. The negative fallout that position would have created may have forced the criminal US administration to have an independent trial in a court that specialises in State war and other crimes.

We write this for the historical record and in support of a brave young man of conscience with the highest standards, extraordinary COURAGE and fortitude, qualities which put an entire NATION to SHAME -- Bradley Manning, we salute you! And be assured young sir, that the Truth will prevail, though not for a little while yet.

It is incumbent on every citizen of the free world to rally behind brave Bradley Manning in his pursuit of JUSTICE. In this very real sense we are all Bradley Manning or the WORLD is surrendered to CRIMINALS.

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality.” -- Dante

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-690.html