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Non-Events of the Week
by sayed Sunday, Jul 7 2013, 12:04pm
international / prose / post

Co-opted Egyptian Revolution and Snowden’s non-Revelations

Remember the very first orchestrated uprisings against Mubarak in Egypt, after which the US attempted to install their puppet, Mohamed El Baradei as leader, well it looks like they may have succeeded 3rd time around; when will Egyptians learn to persist with their massive demos until they get what the majority wants?

Fourteen million people in the streets presents a very unstable and volatile situation yet global plutocrats manage to maintain their tenuous hold on power via the Egyptian army which they own. Surely now it is obvious that 'soft’ revolutions are no longer effective. Also understand that it would be suicidal for the Egyptian army to turn on millions of angry Egyptian citizens demanding R-E-A-L change; nevertheless, provision should be made to fight fire with fire if necessary, though it is clear that tens of millions of protesting civilians would be victorious as the army would mutiny rather than face a slaughter of such magnitude, not to mention the consequences should they fail!

Settle for nothing less than a democratic representative leader that expresses the wishes of the majority -- whether the meddling USA approves or not, is IRRELEVANT!


[UPDATE: a backdown on the El Baradei appointment appears to have occurred in the past few hours.]

Now to the cost of breaking the ANONYMITY rule for leakers and hackers -- Snowden like Assange is now a victim of his own narcissism, he is effectively trapped in an airport for fuck’s sake, with probably less mobility than Assange. In an attempt to perhaps ‘loosen’ his position, Snowden recently 'revealed’ -- to those that may have been living in a monastery for the past few decades -- that Western European and a host of other nations “are in bed” with the NSA, well DOH! We really ‘didn’t’ know that, Ed! If that is the best you can do, man , your’e fucked; and thank you for setting a very good example for emerging hackers and leakers of how not to do it. NEVER break the anonymity rule if you value your life and freedoms.

So Ed, do you have anything on the Bin Laden assassination charade or the false flag 9/11 attack? That is the quality of leaks required these days after you and Assange revealed nothing new, proof notwithstanding -- in fact the world is actually worse off after the known leaks of Assange and your NSA shit. However, if you’re not an agent then we wish you the best but a good juicy leak to topple the powers would come in handy, don’t you and your handlers think?


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-683.html