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Rudd Could Win!
by baz Thursday, Jul 4 2013, 1:01am
international / prose / post

There is a real though remote (at this stage) possibility that ‘hand-mirror’ Kevin Rudd could win the federal election by directly challenging the vacuity of the opposition’s policies, in fact they do not have any policies, only a ‘shopping list’ from the plutocrats, which Abbott obediently promised to follow should ‘they’ install him into office -- Abbott's only advantage is that he has Rinehart and Murdoch in his corner (at this stage).

Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott

The Liberal Party depended on allowing REVILED LIAR, former PM Gillard, to hang herself and her entire party, never has Oz seen such political ineptitude; no gender excuses accepted.

Abbott and his conservatives couldn’t believe their luck with Gillard steering Labor to annihilation, a clear win by default. However, things have changed with self-willed, obstinate and combative Rudd at the helm of the Labor Party; Rudd’s obvious pathology imagines it is his birthright to be ‘rightfully’ restored as PM. So keep one eye trained on the narcissist and the other on the pugilist, who has nothing to offer but social contractionism, slashing everything and allowing the Corporations to have a field day with our finite resources, national wealth and anything else worth pillaging.

In fact, Abbott is extremely easy to beat, he is policy devoid, obnoxious, blokish and has no vision -- contractionism is anathema to Oz culture.

We’ll see how smart Rudd’s consultants are, as Gillard employed a pack of mental lepers to assist her develop failed strategies -- though I must admit, she was an impossible sell!

This election could well turn out to be a very exciting race, though I suspect that both parties lack real tactical and strategic nous. And we should never forget that both parties, to a lesser and greater extent, are OWNED by the same moneyed, minority interests.

Make your vote count, restore DEMOCRACY and return the nation to the PEOPLE -- VOTE REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into office at every electoral opportunity.

Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-676.html