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The LAW closing in on the White House
by judd Saturday, Jun 29 2013, 3:10am
international / prose / post

After the assessment of numerous INTERNATIONAL LEGAL EXPERTS it is clear that the Law is closing in on the World capital of mass murder, torture, rendition, indefinite detention, illegal surveillance, resource theft and numerous other crimes against humanity -- the White House, YES, the WHITE HOUSE!

Do not be distracted by paltry, no-new-information leakers like Assange and Snowden, neither have really informed the world of anything that wasn't already known and in the public domain -- some specific 'proofs' notwithstanding, BUT the crimes were all well known prior to these media engineered DISTRACTING 'revelations!'

Notice how 'useful idiots' like narcissistic autocrat, Assange, and very suspect Snowden, capture front pages at the expense of REAL CRIMINALS/CRIMES and the REAL scorching issues of our time. Nevertheless, it's heartening to see that enough people and experts continue to pursue TRUTH and JUSTICE and that the LAW is finally closing in on Bush & Co, Blair, Howard, Obama, Clinton and others that were involved and supported these STATE and INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS.

Take note of this very interesting bit of information from Glenn Greenwald, Snowden's mouthpiece, who didn't seem to appreciate it's full significance -- bear in mind that computer technicians and 'leakers' are not clerical types or bureaucrats:

"When they met, Snowden supplied Greenwald with a “volume of documents so great that I haven’t actually gone through them all.” Snowden was meticulous — Greenwald described the files as beautifully organized, “almost to a scary degree.”
Stay FOCUSED and we WILL not be MOVED from our task of returning the world to PEACE, SANITY and real REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY and pursuing those criminals that have attacked the Constitution and civilised local and international LAW, which has taken thousands of years to develop and evolve -- it doesn't need 'fixing' it needs to be APPLIED!

Disseminate the following must see video to every citizen you know with a conscience and sense of JUSTICE, reason and fair play:

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-662.html