Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by sol Friday, Jun 28 2013, 1:09pm
international / poetry / post

rain on me world
torrents pouring from

rain thru my hair
trickling down my
momentarily blurring
torrents pouring
on my naked back
exposed chest

do u see the rivulets
forming and tracking
the scars on my back
and arms?
rain down ur misery

do u see?
skin repelling wetness,
droplets unable to linger
or penetrate
ur rain is unable to
soak into my being,
warm as a winter fire

head turned upward
arms inviting the sky
to ur scorn,
rain down world
while u are able
soon my sun will rise
and vaporise the rain

ur dark skies
and bleak horizon
there is nothing u can
do to prevent
my being from rising
as the sun

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-661.html