Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Finally, a politician with INTEGRITY -- go the Irish!
by ned Sunday, Jun 23 2013, 1:15pm
international / prose / post

Take note Oz Labor Party, you suck-arse subservient sycophants to the criminals in Washington.

Clare Daly, we applaud and salute you for your candour and honesty -- and you are absolutely correct about Shannon, it has been the transit point for illegal renditions and arms shipments, including nuclear bunker busters, to Israel. You made your opponent look like the feeble, gutless, servile, knee-walker, arse-licker that he obviously is.

We sincerely hope this video goes viral. Governments world-wide are in desperate need of a dose of honesty and INTEGRITY today. And according to every international law and convention on war, Barack Hussein Obama, is a child killing war criminal, notwithstanding his existing status as a reprehensible HYPOCRITE -- you are correct on all points, Ms Daly.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-653.html