Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

You think it can't happen?
by William Rivers Pitt via jake - TruthOut Thursday, Jun 20 2013, 1:21am
international / prose / post

The recent revelations about the NSA's far-reaching program of domestic surveillance have been met with an astonishing lack of outrage from the tamed American people. A combination of "I'm not doing anything wrong, so why should I worry?" And "we've known this was going on for years," has led to a big complacent shrug over the matter.

If the rise in local, state and federal government's willingness to act on behalf of major corporations and label lawful American citizens that oppose them terrorists does not shake people out of their torpor and lethargy, then we deserve everything we are certainly going to get!

Need a reason to worry about the NSA spying scandal? Try this: among your network of friends is someone that legally protests oil companies or other polluting corporatists; that friend is arrested while protesting, and winds up in court facing federal terrorism charges and an indefinite period behind bars.

The evidence presented against you/r friend connects you and a wide circle of friends to a jailed terrorist; and remember you have no more rights (none) than your railroaded friend because you are also suspected of terrorism. These new personal exposures/vulnerabilities are brought to you care of the NSA conducting pan-surveillance on everyone. And never forget, all this is done at the behest of the oil companies and other mega-corporations that OWN every Senator who sits on the Intelligence Committee in Washington DC.

Washington is owned and run by Wall St, and that means the only 'moral or ethical' consideration that applies is the 'bottom line,' the pursuit of PROFIT, regardless of individual casualties or any other consideration. Good luck cowards and dreamboats, you are now completely vulnerable and expendable!

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Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-641.html