Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Space Dragon
by Li Monday, Jun 17 2013, 12:38pm
international / poetry / post

water hurtles thru
frozen space
at blinding speed
its gaseous tail
fiery body
and water/ice core
gave birth to legends
of flying fiery dragons --
the galaxy is teaming
with comets

only water and dirt
searching for
a suitable planet
to fertilise

yet their landing is not gentle
their love-making is explosive
destructive to the extreme

a comet is capable of
shifting a planet from is orbit
and devastating all manner of life --
only water and space dirt

the earth,
a conglomeration of space debris
and water
a junkyard of space refuse which,
not surprisingly, spawned
all manner of life good, bad
and indifferent until
eventually it spawned humans
that tipped the balance
and now threaten all life on earth --
just another failed experiment

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-635.html