Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Perverse and Insular Gillard always in Reverse
by clancy Saturday, Jun 15 2013, 1:23am
international / prose / post

A headline in the Australian today speaks more than its few words indicate: "Gillard shrugs off Labor leadership rumblings!" And in her own words, "Juliar Gillard today brushed off continued leadership tensions as "rumour and speculation" and declared she is "getting on with the job". I wish I had a dollar for every occasion Gillard resorted to that idiotic, INSULAR 'defence' -- "the job" according to Gillard, as Aussies KNOW all too well, is kowtowing to Big Business and disregarding the interests of the PEOPLE, Labor's traditional support base. Gillard's disrespect for Australians was defined by her treacherous back-stab of the ENTIRE electorate regarding the carbon tax -- A POLICY THAT SERVES THE PROFIT INTERESTS OF BANKERS AND CORPORATIONS BUT PLACES AN ADDITIONAL BURDEN ON THE PEOPLE; notwithstanding that it is KNOWN the carbon tax ('trading' in pollution) will not mitigate global warming in the least, but there's more!

Juliar Gillard
Juliar Gillard

Should we mention Gillard's odorous policy, as deputy to Rudd, to grant the right to Corporate bosses to spy on the private emails and other digital communications of their employees -- preempting the evil SURVEILLANCE STATE of the USA? Or perhaps that sickening suckarse speech she delivered to Congress while in Washington acknowledging her treasonous intent to grant the USA unprecedented full (including nuclear) access (occupation) to Australia during PEACE TIME -- we are now an occupied nation with a WAR MONGERING permanent foreign troop presence on our sacred soil. A situation that makes Oz a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET in the event of an American instigated conflict with China, thanks Julia!

Or perhaps we should mention every major reform and policy that has suffered cost blowouts or has failed to consider health and other risks to the environment and the people -- no we need not mention those failures of management or refer to her singular INCOMPETENCE in the job.

Her attitude to foreign leaders of State in the REGION is deplorable; she treated the Timorese, South East Asian leaders and Melanesian leaders like lackeys and second rate citizens -- which also bellies her hidden RACISM, that her DIVISIVE GENDER politics advertises loud and clear! We the people of Australia apologise to regional leaders of State for Gillard's INEXCUSABLE, OFFENSIVE behaviour and antiquated racist values -- they can be assured that Gillard's neo-colonial attitudes DO NOT reflect the values of modern Australia.

It is hardly worth mentioning our porous borders as we already are aware that this woman is the most incompetent, treacherous, LYING disrespectful bitch that Oz has ever made the mistake of TRUSTING!

The list of her aggravations and INSULAR attitude is endless, as she is a KNOWN quantity -- a VOTE for Gillard OR Abbott is a vote for more unrepresentative lackey government. VOTE REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENT AT EVERY STATE AND FEDERAL ELECTION -- RESTORE DEMOCRACY to AUSTRALIA -- the WORLD!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-628.html