Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

3D Poetry
by benja Friday, Jun 14 2013, 12:15pm
international / poetry / post

does (ur) poetry form
mental sculptures,
like the eyeless figures
in art galleries
or is it more akin
to the movement
of dolphins
cutting thru the sea?

if we were able
to move
on a 3D page,
above, below
all around
we would see
the full-bodied form
that poetry creates
in the mind?

words, images,
form, in that order;
i know my craft
i also understand
shock value, the surprise factor
the unexpected, the off-beat
delivered seamlessly as though
integral to the fabric
poetry weaves;
though it is surprise
that shot the President,
the report could be heard
on Wall Street above the
screams of traders
and thieves

joy, sadness (or) indifference
rush to neutralise
the shock, to soften
the blow,
to collect scattered emotions
and order them according
to English humour

was ur reaction expected,
the news that another
innocent child has been
murdered by the President
of the United States of
civilian killing,
torture, rendition,
indefinite detention
and global surveillance?

did the report convey fear
grotesquely sculptured
by the discord and dissonance
of sociopaths and
an indifferent citizenry
or perhaps the shock
has not yet been

3D poetry is brimming
with the unexpected --
punctuated with lethal surprises
and bursts that elevate

(formal) social intercourse is deficient,
it lacks the immediacy of shock;
poetry is not sex
there is no place for foreplay
in this medium
its success relies on
immediacy, sudden impact
and elusiveness --
what attracts and captivates
is the subtle dance poets
perform on wet rice paper
without tearing it
or leaving a trace

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-627.html