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Zionist Neocon Ari Fleischer Supports Surveillance State
by gladys Tuesday, Jun 11 2013, 11:18am
international / prose / post

In a recent (easily forgotten) CNN interview with journo Glenn Greenwald and neocon Ari Fleischer, it wasn't surprising to see Zionist neocon Fleischer come to the assistance of embattled fag, Barack 'where's my script' Obama, in defence of the world's first hyper-intrusive surveillance State.

However, what was extremely surprising was Guardian journo Greenwald's refusal to take Fleischer to task after he predictably invoked false flag operation 9/11 as justification for everything from in-grown toenails to the attack of the killer tomatoes and 1984 Big Brother surveillance.

9/11 remains the most obvious false flag in US history; quite simply, government accounts are ABSURD, they defy reason and laws of physics, notwithstanding the obvious FREE FALL collapse of WTC 7, which collapsed in 'sympathy' for the twin towers! Give the world a break moron America!

Almost everyone on the planet is aware that 9/11 was an inside job planned by the executive and carried out by Mossad. So why sit there mute in the face of easily substantiated PROOF, Mr Greenwald? Whenever anyone mentions 9/11, refer them to WTC 7 and US manufactured nano-thermite particles found at ground zero. You could also ask surviving NY firemen about the numerous EXPLOSIONS in the buildings prior to collapse or any allied professional and you will get abundant proof that the government report is a joke, an insult to the intelligence of a parakeet.

Would you care to explain yourself Mr Greenwald? You could also mention the USS Liberty, Operation NorthWoods and of course the other GIANT fiction, the purported assassination of Bin Laden who died of renal failure some YEARS prior to the Hollywood Seal Team 6 circus!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-620.html