Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

It only takes ONE
by dasha Tuesday, Jun 11 2013, 1:15am
international / prose / post

A seminal paper written on the parent site encodes in writing for the first time what was a hot topic in the underground -- that is, a single individual with determination and skill, is now capable (thanks to the digital age) of overthrowing a Nation/State and indeed a Superpower, which actually presents as an easier target than underdeveloped nations. This situation has never before presented itself in human history. This is asymmetry taken to its logical and final conclusion. It is simply a matter of hacking into sensitive military infrastructures/systems that orbit the earth and constantly monitoring their control centres and other facilities on the ground -- too fuckin’ easy -- and might I say since the publication of that first seminal paper, which has already altered the course of modern history, momentous inroads have been made into realising the INEVITABLE EVENT, which has become the holy grail for Uber hackers of the world.

Nevertheless, anyone is capable of altering the course of history today; Manning was driven by conscience NOT exceptional skills BUT digital technology was the crucial factor in the equation -- now think laterally -- HOW could YOU utilise current technologies to restore JUSTICE and PEACE to the world?

Take existing examples as inspirations; Assange, a severely flawed personality in many respects, simply established a Whistleblowing website and received data from anonymous sources -- not a difficult enterprise. Bradley Manning utilised digital technology at its fundamental consumer level to expose the USA as a heinous criminal State. And the latest manifestation of the NEW REALITY, Edward Snowden, who exposed BIG BROTHER’S immorally intrusive, surveillance State.

Relax, there is nothing to fear, the morons in power can barely open a door of their own accord, they out-source/pay for all their needs/services -- THEY ARE COMPLETELY DEPENDENT, THEREFORE TOTALLY VULNERABLE, anyone at anytime -- as has just been demonstrated -- is able to serve up their balls on a platter! Are you reading this, evil cabals? You monitor (and attempt to suppress) everything I write and have done so since I personally captured your attention by directly contacting the NSA almost a decade ago, you dumb fucks. I have had you in the palm of my hand since, get one of your paid consultants to explain? I warned you then that almost single handedly I would easily take you down -- and check it out today, people around the globe are realising how EASY it is!

I would explain how, but you wouldn’t understand how the intricate relationship of sign, symbol (vibration) and cultural consciousness/'reality,’ or to phrase it accurately “MATRIKA SHAKTI,” which renders badly into English as the ability (power) to alter cultural consciousness/REALITY via language, ‘langue et parole,’ functions. Look it up in any good text on semiotics, but I digress, though the Hindu concept is not translatable or explained, as one must gain mastery over the ‘Shakti’ or power via evolutionary means -- which of course excludes evil mass murdering cabals and their servants.

Governments go to great lengths today to deceive, as they are now aware that indeed, a single individual is EASILY able to alter the course of history! So the latest ‘terrifying' (designed to be contractive) news about a 1984 Surveillance State is presented throughout the world to remind nations that the infrastructure and technology utilised to perform this mass surveillance is largely US owned -- well, SO FUCKIN’ WHAT! IT is ALSO KNOWN that the data is stored in ‘CLOUD’ SYSTEMS, which are notoriously vulnerable to hackers, so do your fuckin’ best, morons! After ten years you still haven’t been able to locate and silence us -- well, its too late now, ‘the bull has bolted’ and my ‘real identity’ - lol - matters little; my latest poem is a message explicitly for you; read this short piece and the poem and choke!

The floodgates are breaching and there is NOTHING you can do to prevent the INEVITABLE.

The delusional notion that you could ‘control’ the global population betrays your total insanity, though you would kill many in your vain attempts. Never forget your every move has been preempted, indeed in most cases, MANAGED, by minds far superior to those in your pay and service!


[Disseminate widely]

Salutations to ‘ferrite,’ the first but not the last -- we are forever in your debt.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-619.html