Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by mira Saturday, May 25 2013, 12:49pm
international / poetry / post

who is it that never
withdraws their support
or turns their open hand

the familiar stranger
that refuses to abandon
a reprobate like me,
who constantly nurtures
and delivers comfort
in a comfortless world

it seems that regardless
of every transgression
(against myself) and the
abuse i have heaped on
somehow my companion
remains loyal tho offended
by my actions

dozens of downers and bottle
of scotch failed to rid me
of my life and ur presence

a massive accidental OD
that paralysed my diaphragm
and left me without the ability
to breathe did not earn ur
displeasure or rejection, instead
u delivered the kiss of live by proxy
until my diaphragm reactivated,
such an odd sensation
to lose the ability to breathe
while fully conscious
it seems there is nothing
i could do to earn ur displeasure
and banishment

the patience of a Sphinx,
the charity of Buddha
and the forgiveness of a Christ
chase ur measureless

after decades i finally
gained some insight
and began to learn
and appreciate
the healing effect
of limitless compassion
and patience,
without which
i would have surely fallen,
another victory to oblivion

it was ur refusal to abandon
a reprobate and recidivist
like me –
that awakened my sense of purpose

who would have thought
that unrelenting forbearance
and unconditional Love
would have finally melted
a heart of stone, chiselled
in exquisite pain/torture
by a perverse world

no matter how much i tried
to drown u out or bury u
in an orgy of self-indulgence

u remained and waited
for me to regain my senses

ok – I acknowledge
u won without contending,
victory over me was achieved by
enduring compassion
and consideration

now u reveal urself in all ur wonder
beauty and glory – no God, angel
or celestial being, just you
in naked wonder

i should have known,
u were too familiar

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-578.html