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Make it Plain
by aaron Saturday, May 25 2013, 3:09am
international / prose / post

Ancient scribes were the social repositories of knowledge in ancient cultures, their ability to write/encode was an additional discipline required to record and pass on accumulated cultural knowledge to future generations. Thus civilisation was born -- please note, history and other social knowledges were passed down orally prior to written records; however, writing allowed for a certain liberal dexterity in the form of single texts that contained numerous meanings; thus scribes became masters of disguise leaving messages that only the ‘wise’ could fully decode.

Ancient scribes were scholars, historians, psychologists and creative writers; the power of text became the formative power of culture and its power persists to this day in various forms -- the media and numerous forms of sign-based communication continue to formulate cultural consciousness for good or ill. It is no accident that those who own and control the means of communication and data have risen to cultural supremacy/power today.

However, what is lacking from previous generations is the ability to interpret heavily encoded texts though the ability to persuade has reached its zenith -- today’s masses readily believe the most absurd, irrational fictions served to them by the mass media, fictions that defy reason and good sense in any elementary school, but such is the power of the medium today that it reduces adults to imbeciles.

So I thought I would demonstrate the old skill of interpretation using traditional repositories of arcane knowledge in order to announce that the traditional art survives to this day, though largely in secret.

In ancient times religious texts contained cultural codes of behaviour, law and various other arcane knowledges -- for example, there are many references in ancient religious texts to the law of natural consequence, in the East the term used to describe this mechanism is Karma, in the west it is a phrase, ‘reaping what we sow’.

I will take one of the most misinterpreted texts that exists today as an example of certain knowledges and lessons encoded in a colourful story/tale -- the text is Revelation a book included in the Christian canon.

A direct reference to the law of cause and effect is made plain in Revelation 13:

9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.

10"He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
The above requires little interpretation except to refer to the overall message of Revelation as an encrypted message for humanity -- in fact, the entire book of Revelation could best be described as a treatise on the esoteric anatomy of Man.

Consider the much misinterpreted number of the 'Beast', which refers not to an external entity but to generic Man, i.e., each one of us! There is no mystery in the number of the Beast, the text states it plainly, the BEAST is MAN or to be specific, is that aspect of man predisposed to EVIL -- which is, I would add, in an eternal struggle with its opposite, the predisposition to GOOD, both forces characterise the species.

To those that say, yes, coherent, but you pulled that interpretation out of your arse, I would qualify by referring to ancient Gnostic texts that refer to the “city of NINE gates” as a representation of MAN. We know that ancient Jewish scribes utilised ‘Gematria’ to encode and elicit messages/meanings hidden from ordinary view. In order to qualify we should perform a simple test to see if any numerological correspondences exist, and indeed they do.

Gnostic Christian texts refer to a ‘City of Nine Gates’ as a representation of MAN, the corporeal correspondence is that NINE orifices (gates) exist in the human male body; now the arcane Jewish discipline of Gematria requires us to add all the numeric digits of the Beast until they are reduced to a single digit, so if we add 666, we get 18, which added/reduced renders, NINE (9).

The Jewish discipline of Gematria, or letter-number correspondences requires us to interpolate letters with numbers and add the digits until they reveal a meaning, we needn’t go to extremes as some Rabbis do, however, a direct correspondence to the discipline is made in reference to the Beast of Revelation, the other prohibitive factor is that the NT was written is Greek so numerals were used in Revelation.
Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
If we expand on this point -- in context -- we learn that MAN not an external God or Devil is the central theme of the text. When challenged by Jewish priests Jesus refers to Psalms as a defence, does it not say, “ye are Gods!”
Psalm 82:6
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."

Isaiah 41:23
"Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.”
Now Consider the Celestial Virgin that gives birth to the Son/Sun in Chapter 12 of the text, she is adorned with the twelve constellations and the sun, with the moon at her feet:
“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.”
She (Nuit) refers to both the firmament and the astrological correspondences in the text, and enough arcane symbolism remains to decode other sections of the NT, but I digress.

It is enough to learn that the message of the ancients is that WE are the major theme of all religious texts and that WE, not external Gods or Devils or any other authority, are responsible for each and every action and non-action we perform or do not perform, both action and inaction (when action is required) incur penalties and rewards.

So please, no more playing the blame game or surrendering REASON to absurd fictions -- no more excuses! WE, as a species, either TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for OUR LIVES and SAVE ourselves and OUR beautiful planet or we allow a TINY MINORITY that is evil personified to destroy everything that is good on earth -- and that dear reader is the Message of the Ages.

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