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Chomsky Supports Bin Laden Assassination Myth
by zed Wednesday, May 22 2013, 11:43am
international / prose / post

Before proceeding, readers should be made aware that not one iota of hard evidence exists that supports or proves that Obama succeeded in assassinating Bin Laden -- most of Asia is aware that Bin Laden died of renal disease some YEARS before the Pakistani raid.

Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky

The above notwithstanding, Chomsky, the 'academic’ trained in the rigours of critical thinking and verifying fact from fiction supports the Washington MYTH when he KNOWS BETTER!

Now consider the historical ‘knowns’ -- constantly revised (numerous times in real time) story of the Bin Laden assault in Pakistan. First Washington stated that a navy SEAL had a camera mounted on his helmet and was transmitting real time images of the attack to Washington -- then that story was retracted. Then officially released photos of the ‘dead Bin Laden’ were exposed as fakes in a matter of hours -- then that release was retracted. Every video image purporting to be Bin Laden in Pakistan is taken at a severe angle and shows no clear image of Bin Laden's face -- which of course could be biometrically analysed. No credible autopsy tissue was recovered to verify it was a fresh kill or indeed Bin Laden’s tissue -- in fact NOTHING whatsoever has been offered by Washington to prove that Bin Laden was in fact assassinated by a SEAL team as reported rather badly by Washington and the compliant mass media. A rather odd situation for public enemy No.1, don’t YOU think?

Figuratively speaking the body of the most wanted man on earth should have been displayed on the ramparts with his head on a pike for a week -- you get my meaning?

Think of the public spectacle of Saddams’ execution and then Gaddafi’s death videos splattered all over Youtube and supported by Hillary Clinton’s now infamous remark on national TV, ‘we came, we saw, he died,’ BUT NOT one iota of hard evidence for the ‘notorious’ Bin Laden ‘assassination.’ It’s tricky killing a man that has been dead for years, as modern science would soon expose the ruse, hence the complete absence of any real evidence. Yet Chomsky supports the Washington myth, which was designed to boost effeminate Obama’s image and popularity. I really do not know which story is more flawed/inept/absurd, the official government report of the 9/11 attack, or the media circus surrounding the zero-proof Bin Laden assassination?

Regardless, Noam Chomsky is clearly thoroughly untrustworthy, and one can only wonder for whom he really works? Assess it for yourselves.

Article from Raw Story follows:

Noam Chomsky: Obama was willing to start nuclear war to kill bin Laden
by Eric W. Dolan

MIT professor Noam Chomsky criticized the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden on Friday, saying President Barack Obama could have provoked a nuclear war.

“We were very close to war with Pakistan, which easily could have turned into a nuclear war, which could have destroyed all of us,” he told Jason Liosatos of Global Peace Radio. “The Obama administration was willing to take that chance, though there were other ways of finding and apprehending bin Laden.”

Chomsky explained that U.S. Navy SEAL special forces were secretly sent into a heavily fortified mansion in Pakistan, with orders to “fight their way out” of the compound if Pakistani forces arived. Pakistan had mobilized its air force to respond to the 2011 attack, according to Chomsky, but only reached the compound after the SEALs had left.

The leftist intellectual also criticized the use of a fake vaccination campaign to discover the location of bin Laden. Chomsky said the CIA operation cast doubt on legitimate vaccinators, hurting efforts to eliminate polio.

“Polio has been almost eradicated in the world,” he said. “It could go the way of smallpox. Totally eliminated, and its a dreadful disease. Pakistan is one of the few places where polio is still [in existence.] There were UN vaccination teams working in Pakistan to try to overcome and eliminate this dreaded disease. Well, as soon as the fake vaccination campaign was exposed, the fears that people already had were given a solid basis, and pretty soon UN health officials were abducted, some of them killed. The UN had to pull out the whole vaccination team.”

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I am a semiotician and we are trained to identify every layer of discourse in a text, from primary, secondary and all additional layers; we then determine which layer of discourse delivers the dominant message. You will note immediately that the overt discourse is some claptrap about a nuclear threat from Pakistan, which is a totally unrealistic deduction as the Pakistani leadership has been in Washington’s pocket since Musharraf.

Now, what is delivered as a G-I-V-E-N in the secondary layer, which contains the primary discourse/message? Yes, VERIFICATION OF BIN LADEN’S ASSASSINATON! That ‘given’ in the secondary layer is also delivered subliminally as the conscious focus is directed toward the so-called ‘nuclear threat’, which is just a textual transport medium or lure.

No doubt about it, you’re all a bunch of geniuses, groan! But one thing IS clear, Chomsky works for the man!

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