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The US and Assange -- Proof, Lies and the Art of Deflection/Deception
by ricco Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 11:25pm
international / prose / post

The Corporate controlled mass media is currently saturated with reports on Assange, who appears to be a genius at attracting media attention but some are beginning to wonder at possible machinations behind the scenes. British MPs and former diplomats have recently added to the sensationalist media activity by introducing ridiculous sexual assertions regarding the guilt or innocence of Assange in the alleged sexual misconduct issue -- it's not a 'case' yet! HOWEVER, the corporate mass media appears to be pushing a 'line' or is, at the very least, extremely happy to distract the WORLD from the CORE ISSUE, and that is what, you easily distracted dunces?


THE CORE ISSUE IS ASSANGE PUBLISHED INCONTROVERTIBLE PROOF OF US WAR AND OTHER CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY TO THE WORLD and the powers are straining to keep that in the background with every trick in the media book.

Remain FOCUSED -- the MAIN issue should be holding the USA accountable and PROSECUTING THOSE AMERICANS responsible for WAR and other heinous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY -- have we got it now?

The US specialises in what they have named "Perception Management" and the current Assange media circus offers more than ample evidence of the FACT. Meanwhile, the USA continues its illegal civilian killing Drone war and its illegal invasions, OCCUPATIONS and the resource pillaging of weaker nations.

JUSTICE cannot be served if people -- the WORLD -- remain distracted by prurient, irrelevant sensationalism. It is TIME to PROSECUTE the culpable, the available PROOF is DAMNING!

An example of a classic distraction and deflection by using the excuse of deflection itself! However, the REAL ISSUE OF US WAR CRIMES REMAINS, madam, and nothing can distract from or alter that FACT!

Focus should remain on bringing US war criminals to justice not everything but!

Addressing the REAL issues

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-57.html