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Empires Kill, Steal and Fail
by liz Monday, May 13 2013, 9:06am
international / prose / post

It is the nature of all Empires to kill inordinate numbers of innocent people, as they stand in the way of expansion/appropriation. The USA is no exception, in fact it promises to be the most heinous of all murdering Empires. Remember the 500,000 Iraqi children needlessly killed with sanctions and embargoes; according to US policy makers it was "worth it" -- what's half a million dead children compared to a barrel of oil?

Today the USA is without peer as the leading civilian killing nation in the world, it is, and has been for decades, the world’s leading civilian killing nation, quite an achievement given modern ‘civilised’ times; but murder is expedient, as Obama’s ‘kill list’ indicates -- why incarcerate when you can murder with impunity?

However, empires all fail precisely because they all offend; they create the circumstances and resistance that eventually destroys them, there are NO EXCEPTIONS in the historical record. The empires that endure the longest do so because they endeavour to enhance and contribute to the nations they conquer, improving living standards and building necessary infrastructure that benefits the conquered people while of course expediting the plunder of precious resources.

Empires with the least blood on their hands endure longer; nonetheless, it is human nature to seek liberation and freedom, so it’s only a matter of time before the invader/oppressor is routed and local people regain ownership of their land -- all empires criminally thieve from the nations they (temporarily) conquer.

The USA is doomed, it is only a matter of time before the forces it has created overwhelm it, consider how long the thousand year Reich endured, less than decade; America uses the same tactics as Nazi Germany, therefore, we easily predict a very short life-span. Remember, those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat the same mistakes until they either learn or are destroyed -- and rustic America is a proven hard learner.

The Chinese Tao probably has the most sophisticated approach to rule; allow the people and nature free expression -- the less force/control the more successful the ruler, a difficult concept for the interventionist occidental mind but accurate nevertheless.

So it’s goodbye America and good riddance, your corporatist legacy is war, murder, pollution, banjos and bad grammar, you dumb, primitive fuck’s.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-554.html