Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

A State of War
by sanchez Friday, May 10 2013, 10:25pm
international / prose / post

For those not familiar with overt acts of war allow me to cite a blatant example -- any nation that overtly attacks another sovereign nation declares war in the most basic and brutish manner possible. Israel's recent air attacks on Damascus clearly indicate a State of war exists between Syria and Israel.

We expect to see various players retaliate in response to Israel's blatant aggression.

The US, after securing (bribing) Russian political (you are a DOG Putin) inaction is purportedly planning to assist Israel in its clearly criminal aggression against another sovereign State, which action, I would add, clearly contravenes international LAW and a multitude of Conventions. The identity of the criminal aggressor is this instance is indisputable.

We realise the stakes are high especially for the FREE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, Iran and China; and in clear view of the known record of the US to backflip on all arrangements/agreements when it suits, temporarily bribed leaders are simply creating circumstances for their own overthrow or assassination in the near future, as recent history clearly bears witness.

There's the hard reality behind the spin, propaganda and political machinations -- so NOBODY has any excuses, especially the 'innocent' people caught up in the slaughter.

It is clearly evident today that ALL world leaders are as corrupt as it's possible to become; governments working directly against the best interests of the PEOPLE is a historic REALITY today. The sheep are truly fit for the SLAUGHTER! If you desire Justice, Freedom and Peace then target the real enemy located in your commercial and political capitals -- a blind man can see.

The alternatives for the PEOPLE if they do not act in their own interests is continued slavery or to die like the cringing COWARDLY dogs that they are -- make your choice and live and die with it!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-548.html